Can a writer’s blog really help build a platform and sell more books?
Most of us probably started blogging because we heard somewhere in cyberland that any author serious about publication needs to have a blog in order to develop a platform (which is the process of rising up above the masses, gaining a voice, and being heard.) In the online world, platform is essentially one’s web presence.
In a recent post (Do Fiction Readers Really Read Author Blogs) there was a fairly large consensus (see the comments) that most (non-writing) readers aren’t flocking to author blogs. Yes, some do read blogs (I did get this confirmation from a couple readers on Twitter who read my post). But most readers who surf blogs are usually bloggers themselves.
If the average reader doesn’t have a blog, they probably won’t be out reading author blogs on a regular basis, and they’ll be commenting even less. As I mentioned, I’ve found myself connecting with those real genre readers primarily on facebook and through personal emails.
So, back to the question I raised above: Is blogging really worth the effort—particularly for a fiction writer?
If readers aren’t swinging by, then what’s the point of blogging (especially if we started one to build a platform?) Can a blog really help a fiction author build a platform and sell more books? Or is it a waste of time—time that could be better spent on writing itself?
I can only share what’s worked for me, and obviously not everyone will have the same experience. But I truly do believe that my blogging efforts HAVE helped in the sales of my book, even though my blog is targeted to writers and has very few of my genre readers stopping by.
Here are just a few ways our blogs and other social media can help us.
1. Our blog readers get to know us and want to support us.
No, not everyone who follows us on our blogs, twitter, or facebook will want to buy our novels. We can’t expect it, especially since our blogs are nonfiction and comprise a different readership than our fiction.
However, I’ve been surprised at the numbers of followers/friends that have gone out and purchased my book simply because they’ve gotten to know me and want to support me. I’ve even had friends say that they don’t normally read historical romance, but bought and read my book anyway—and then ended up passing it along to others.
2. The connections open natural doors for other promotion.
When we go outside our writing/blogging cliques and develop a wide variety of friendships within the big writing community, we are setting the groundwork for later.
During the past months of my debut, I had over 40 blog interviews and close to 55 bloggers who reviewed my book. Out of the 90 or so different people who helped promote my book on their blogs, I didn’t have to beg, plead, or make a general nuisance of myself asking them to host me. Almost all of them emailed me with the offer, and I willingly and gratefully accepted.
I never once expected so many followers would go out of their way to help showcase my book, but when we develop a genuine, consistent, web presence, then our friends and even acquaintances want to draw us into their circle and introduce us to their sphere of influence.
3. The more our book is “talked” about in cyberland, the more important it becomes.
When I’m on Twitter and I see a particular book mentioned over and over by a number of people, it begins to perk my attention. I can’t help but think, “If so many people are reading that book, maybe I should too.”
When people chat about my book on their blogs and tweet about it, then their followers (who may not be connected to me yet) will begin to sit up and take notice of it.
4. Even if followers don’t read our book/genre, they’re often willing to share it with others.
As I said, not all my blog followers are fans of inspirational historical romance. But I know that many of those friends still promoted my book. They bought it for a spouse, gave it as a Christmas present to a mom, or recommended it to a book club. In other words they promoted my book to people they knew would be genuinely interested.
5. Writers are a supportive group.
Overall, writers go out of their way to help one another. We all know just how hard today’s market is for the modern writer (published or not). And because writers are also readers, so many of us want to do all we can to promote the industry and help each other succeed.
My Summary: Social media has a snowball effect on the sales of our books that isn’t easy to measure. As our books are rolled around cyberland, we never know where we'll pick up new readers and what will help our book gain momentum. Of course, it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), we have to give our friends a good book--one they can be proud to promote.
While I may not be able to quantify my sales as a result of social media, I'm realizing that my consistent efforts at blogging and developing a web presence have indeed influenced the sales of my books. I continue to hear from more and more blog, twitter, and facebook followers that they either purchased my book or bought it for someone else.
Whether social media contributes a little bit or a lot, I'm grateful for each person who's spread the word about The Preacher's Bride! Thank you!
What do you think? Have you ever been discouraged about blogging, wondering if it will really pay off in the long run? Has the social media snowball effect influenced you to buy a book? If so, do you think it can work to help in the promotion of your book someday?
P.S. Congratulations to my critique partner, Keli Gwyn, for getting her first book contract! Hard work and perseverance DO pay off! Keli is celebrating today on her blog!
March Forward, Write Now
1 hour ago
Yes, yes, YES! Especially #5.
ReplyDeleteFor a long time, a lot of us looked at social media as some kind of magic bullet for marketing our books (or anything for that matter). Turns out, it's not that easy. I think that social media is beneficial along with a bigger marketing strategy and plan.
ReplyDeleteI also think #5 is so important. It is wonderful to have the support and relationships built with other writers.
Most of the books I buy I originally heard about through blogs. And when you add up all the writers on the blogosphere that can be a lot of sales. Of course, that's not the primary reason I blog at this point but it will be a great side effect!
ReplyDeleteI became a follower of your blog because I loved your voice. I usually only buy books that are suggested to me on the blogs I follow - so definitely a nod to number 5. :)
ReplyDeleteThere are so many reasons why I blog. I wouldn't be crushed if it didn't help me sell more books because it does so many other things for me.
ReplyDeleteMentioned you today over where the thoughts are moving.
~ Wendy
I have to agree with Bookgeek, you have a great voice and I wanted to see how that translated into a novel. I knew I wouldn't be disappointed and I wasn't. I can't imagine greater success than you've had over the last few years. I've so enjoyed watching you grow and embark on your amazing journey. I like seeing this in my other blogging friends as well. At the end of the day we feel like family. And I'm never shy about helping family out. *BTW I always place your book face out when I'm at the bookstore. ;) Love seeing you on the shelves. You inspire me to work harder.
ReplyDeleteI've read a lot of posts lately about blogging, and even plan to do a follow-up post to my post about blogging last week (mentioned you in that post, BTW). Blogging is an interesting tool for writers. The biggest challenge that I analyze on a regular basis is the issue you mention - how to have a successful blog as a fictional writer. How does one develop platform when he doesn't have a subject he wants to constantly write about or feels he has the knowledge base to constantly write about? And how does one justify putting hours and hours each week into building a successful blog (writing his own and reading others) when he can barely carve out enough time into developing a sucessful novel? I'm narrowing down the answes for myself, but I think answers to those questions will vary writer to writer.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, it's impossible to put a tangible value on social media. But the benefits I can see so far are that it allows us to connect with other writers who *get* us and want to cheer us on. And it also shows publishing professionals that we're serious about our writing. You've alluded to that fact on previous posts. An agent or editor probably isn't going around perusing our blogs, but if they get a submission from us and click on our link, I would assume it says a lot if we've been consistent in our posting and generating conversation.
ReplyDeleteYou've made some great points here, Jody, as always.
ReplyDeleteI've said before that I think writers blogging to writers is valuable. It's a good way for us to learn from each other. Your blog is a great example and one I keep in my feed reader for just that reason.
I think the relative utility of that kind of blogging in building a social media platform is limited. I keep blogs for each of my properties -- one for sci fi, one for fantasy, one for education -- and that allows me to talk with the constituent audiences individually. Until this month I never wrote about writing at all.
In spite of that, I do think that the cross promotion idea behind your point five is important. I get asked to promote other podiobooks all the time and I often do. Once in a while I refuse because the topic is not one connected to my audience. I try to make sure that anything that goes into my feed and out to my audience is something I legitimately think they're going to be interested in.
You're welcome! I bought your book and tweeted about it, and about your success, to add my effort to the buzz. I would not have done that if I had not met you online, because I likely wouldn't have known about you at all.
ReplyDeleteJody, I have MANY readers at the Moonboat who read every single post -- who write to me and tell me that it's the one thing they make sure to take time to read because it refreshes them -- but who do not blog at all. They do not leave comments on the blog. All the same, they treasure the words I've shared and it has meant much to them.
This amazes me! I think when we tell our stories, we do truly help one another.
Finding a purpose for my blogging beyond promotion is important. Then I can know my blogging was worthwhile. And I think that building relationships over words in any forum eventually helps the books we write.
One last idea I'll leave you with: I know time is precious, and we have to be very careful with it. (I so admire you for what you have accomplished with five children at home!)But we have to watch the tendency waffling through the bloggging/writing circles of needing to justify everything we do by how it will affect our careers. It makes more sense to ask: "How is this affecting my life as a whole? Is God pleased with it?"
I know it's very dangerous for my soul to think primarily in terms of what will profit my public success.
We need to live full, abundant lives and FROM THOSE LIVES write what we can! The life we live will show in our books, regardless of the genre.
When we do get disillusioned with blogging, we should think of this. Sometimes it only takes the smallest changes to be happy with your blogging.
ReplyDeleteSome people don't always read the same genre over and over too, they like a good book whatever the genre. The last three books I've read couldn't be more different. I rave about them all. One has a fabulous plot, the other hilarious, the other description like I have never read before.
If some of this publicity gets people to read outside their usual genre/style it is a great things for writers and readers alike.
So true! AND! My first blog EVER visited was Girls Write Out becuase I was an avid READER of Colleen (before I knew her personally). IT was there I learned of Kristin, Denise and Diann and it did generate sales, because I bought their books because of it.
ReplyDeleteJust another perspective ... :)
As always, Jody, you have excellent information to impart to your readers.
ReplyDeleteFor me, this post is so pertinent. All weekend I have been wondering this same thing. I enjoy blogging and meeting people, but as a writer I've been concerned if blogging is at all effective in selling one's books. You've answered that question. Over the weekend, I also decided that I HAVE to be more like you and be more "scheduled"--blog only at certain times (not keep coming in and out, in and out of the Internet!), and then focus on other important life things, like actually WRITING.
Thanks so much for being such a good "mentor" in both writing and blogging!!
Some really great thoughts here this morning, everyone!
ReplyDeleteI hope you all know I believe that blogging has SO many more benefits than just serving as a platform to help sell books. In fact, I can't tell you ALL the many things I love about blogging in this comment (I'll have to save it for another post!).
However, today, I wanted to specifically address the "platform" part of blogging, and whether blogging (and other social media) can really help in the sales of books (particularly for fiction writers). And now that I'm on the other side of having my first book out there for a few months, I can attest to the fact that social media HAS helped in the sales of my book.
Thanks for the discussion so far! Keep it coming! :-)
I started a blog as a way of connecting with other writers. You gotta have a blogger id to comment, you know! So why not just go ahead and blog in the process, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm not in it for name recognition or platform. I'm not there yet. But I do love the writing/blogging community who are so incredibly encouraging and helpful.
Great post, as always!
An author blog can definitely serve as a great platform to promote your book, without it coming across as a marketing tool. Absolutely.
ReplyDeleteI agree that bloggers may be the ones who read the author blogs more than actual readers, depending on blog content. (If the author's blog includes sneak peeks or excerpts on their upcoming books, that will definitely drive readers to it.)
But when bloggers get to know the author through their blog it makes them want to read the books and the readers who subscribe to the bloggers blog will become interested, or not. And on.
Even though I'm sure it takes a lot of time and energy from a writers day, social media, these days, is so important. It's very easy for things to get "viral" and the latest trend.
(Without Twitter I may not have seen this post!)
Building connections is a lot of fun and you find out who your tribe is. That's not just about sales and numbers and followers, it's quality of life. Writers are nothing without other people.
ReplyDeleteScott Nicholson
I love blogging because of the community I'm surrounded with. I *need* to be connected with others in the same boat. But social media backfires with me. If I hear about a book over and over, I'm less inclined to read it.
ReplyDeleteI've found blogging to be a fun way to connect with non-writing readers as well as writer-readers. I don't get many comments from "NW" readers - mostly because it's hard to leave a comment if you're not a blogger :) However, they leave comments on Facebook or mention it in emails, etc. I doubt my own blog has increased sales - although I think it's helping create reader loyalty.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the blogosphere in general has definitely sold books. Like Jody, I leaped on every interview opportunity - and I was very thankful my publisher arranged a large blog tour. I began to see comments like, "I'm seeing this book everywhere on line - it must be good!" Hey, if that's what they want to believe...
Now I'm seeing the benefit of blogging from the other side. Jaime Wright Sundsmo (see above) offered to be an influencer for my debut novel - not only did she give me a very nice review, but she chatted it UP!! Later when she was looking for people to critique her proposal, I said, "Pick me! Pick me!" I know she'll have an easy time obtaining endorsements when the time comes (and it will!) because she's connected with so many pubished authors.
I have really been struggling with this issue lately. I think it may be a couple of things.
ReplyDelete1). My book doesn't release until May 3rd.
2). I've got some pretty tight deadlines for my series and between the day job and family I sometimes feel guilty for trying to keep up with the blogging end of things. But still I enjoy it (most of the time):)and I love doing my blog pick Friday as a way to showcase fellow bloggers and all the hard work they do.
I loved what Cassandra said," Finding a purpose for my blogging beyond promotion is important. Then I can know my blogging was worthwhile. And I think that building relationships over words in any forum eventually helps the books we write."
Thanks Jody. Thanks to all of you contributing to this conversation. It makes a difference.
I started my blog while pregnant with my fourth on a whim and discovered that I loved it.
ReplyDeleteNow that I am pursuing a writing career, it's kind of a bonus that I already have a blog and established relationships.
I started my blog timidly, reluctantly, believing cyber visibility was necessary for aspiring authors. As an introvert it was difficult putting myself 'out there', but 2-1/2 years later I am *so* glad I did. I've purchased books because of meeting their authors on blogs, but of much greater importance to me has been discovering so many supportive friends in the online writing community. They've helped me grow, and, while that may be a selfish objective, it's not insignificant. They've made me want to write better, to open up and find ways of participating in the conversations with honesty and authenticity, and not hide behind the brick walls that dot my past. So for me, #1 and #5 are the main benefits.
ReplyDeleteJillian, I think your comment brought up a good point. It's incredibly hard to keep social media in its proper place (and I'm doing a blog post later in the week about that.)
ReplyDeleteBut, I do have to say that for a writer to truly reap the benefits of the "snowball effect" of social media, they MUST start socializing online LONG before the release date. We can't wait until a few weeks or even a few months to start trying to make connections, otherwise it could end up coming across as self-serving to those we're relating to. Hope that makes sense.
Blogging has changed my writing life, but I don't expect to see any books this way. But if/when I have a book to sell, it will be due to blogging.
ReplyDelete1)I have learned so much from engaging with the experienced and inexperienced members of this community.
2) I have been supported.
3) I have been accountable.
I could go on. Without blogging I would be no where near where I am now in my writing life.
Jody, thanks for the shout out. And thanks for all your help. I wouldn't be where I am today without you.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a book out (yet :-), but just today I've seen social media at work. I've spent nearly three years developing an online presence. I've met oodles of wonderful people through my blogs, Facebook, and Twitter.
When my other CP, Anne Barton, threw open my blog's doors this morning and invited my friends to celebrate with me, they came in droves--and are still coming. Why? For many of the reasons you stated. I've developed friendships online, and those friends are eager to rejoice with me, support me, and spread the word about my First Sale. I am blessed beyond belief!!!
To me, this experience proves what a powerful tool social media can be--when the reason we're involved is to build relationships, not just for personal gain, a truth you've pointed out so well on previous posts and in your comment above.
Thanks again for being a shining example to me, a source of wisdom, and a treasured friend.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've had numerous blogs over the years and last month was the first time I started a blog with the purpose of sharing my experience as an author and to promote my books. Even though I have been blogging as an author for little over a month I have already been asked to guest blog, have had another author buy and review my book and have made connections with authors trying to do what I am doing. I actually revel in the fact that they are succeeding and hope they feel the same when I have a success.
ReplyDeleteOn another note I also have a blog that is about one of my hobbies. I wrote two books on the subject and after much thought decided to promote it on my blog. That blog gets over 100 visitors a day and when I check my numbers at least 100 people a week click on my links to my books at Amazon. It's not an author page but a hobby blog so I think that taking that route is a better way to attract readers for me.
As you asserted I think an author's blog is more so a way to connect with other authors.
Hi Jody,
ReplyDeleteYour blog post is encouraging. I started a blog last year when my first book was published, and my second is due out shortly. I'm hoping having an established blog audience will help sales of this second book:) Effective marketing is such a big learning curve, because although I do receive nice comments from readers (mostly people who know me) I'm not sure how that translates to sales. I'd be interested to know if anyone has ever tried doing some market research on this, and if so, how effective was it?
Even though my blog is not just about writint, I do hope it will help when I have something published. I love getting to know my blogging writing friends and am thankful for this outlet. So for me it is worth it:)
ReplyDeleteHi Jody, I was curious if eventually down the road you will either change the slant of your blog or create another blog for readers? You have two different audiences and I know your fans would love to have you to themselves.
ReplyDeleteHi T. Anne. I've thought long and hard about the focus of my blog recently (particularly when I was on blogging break over the holidays). And what I'm realizing is that fiction readers don't flock to author blogs. Bloggers read blogs. And if readers also happen to be bloggers, then they may or may not check out an author blog. But I don't think many of them read author blogs on a regular basis. That's just been my observation.
ReplyDeleteAnd as I've mentioned, fiction readers want our BOOKS and our blogs are not our books. Our blogs are non-fiction. So, I haven't quite figured out yet how to attract a non-writing fiction reader to author blogs. Or even if I really need to move that direction. What would interest them on an ongoing basis? What would keep them coming back? Sure we could do topical things, share about our lives. But readers only want so much of that before they move on.
On a slightly different note, someone somewhere in cyberland mentioned the fact that there are nearly as many writers now as there are readers. Not sure if that's true. But it makes me think that I'm probably still on track with the direction of my blog.
Sorry for the long-winded answer! :-)
Oh, and Cherie, if anyone has done market research on how social media leads to sales, I'd be curious to know the statistics too. I just think the snowball effect is super hard to measure. Ultimately, I think many factors play a role in why people end up purchasing a book. For example, if I hear about a book on Twitter, then see it at the store, and I finally buy it because my neighbor recommends it, how much influence did social media have in that decision? Some. But it's hard to measure exactly how much.
ReplyDeleteRight on point, Jody! Lots of truth here. It's such a joy to find so many writers willing to be supportive! I definitely agree that the more a book title is out there, the more consideration I give to purchasing the book. Thanks for a great post. Have a beautifully blessed week!
ReplyDelete*And a special congratulations to Keli!! Can't wait to get a copy of your book!
After two months of observations in the social media world, I have come to the exact conclusion that is listed in this blog. I have been trying to think of a way to bring readers to my blog. But so far, no ideas, other than some short fiction that I could post. And that has bad idea written all over it. But Your post still has me thinking about the other writers I am seeing. I think I will try something new.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteI believe blogging has helped me greatly with networking. Where I have a disadvantage is that I began blogging before I had a focus on my nonfiction book. Now, with a book coming out soon, it looks like I'll be having to create a new blog that speaks directly to my readership. I'm excited and hesitant all at the same time. Excited to embark on speaking directly to "busy moms" but hesitant because I know the hard work ahead of me. Great question, by the way.
Congrats to Keli! I can't wait to hold her book in my hand!! WOOT WOOT!
Great post Jody.
ReplyDeleteI personally have bought books because of the hype I've seen on Twitter and industry blogs (The Hunger Games and Across the Universe are just two of them). I think it can definitely be an effective marketing tool if used correctly.
Luckily for us there are plenty of social media gurus out there who are willing to show us the way.
Yep! I agree. I know I'm speaking for others when I say that watching your progress with social media makes it less intimidating for new authors. Thank you for sharing your tips!
ReplyDeleteOnce again, you have written a great article. I totally agree. I really don't know where I would be without the internet and social media sites while writing this book. I need that connection to both my author friends and others who just love books. Agin, great post.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of snowball effect.
ReplyDeleteI released my latest book on Christmas eve and by January 13, my fans had overwhelmed the servers. Two days ago the servers went down hard and they've been trying to rebuild them ever since.
Last night we found out the company needs more money to get a bigger hosting account. In less than 12 hours they've gotten 6 months worth of donations to help them expand their services.
I love social media. This is the power of the snowball. :)
I believe it helps, Jody. We are a family who support each other, teach one another our discoveries and share our struggles. I'm counting on all the lovely friends I've made blogging to help drive my book sales up when I do publish.
ReplyDeleteI believe it helps as well. I think building a large social presence, one that provides genuine help to others, pays off when you need assistance in promoting your own book.
ReplyDeleteI've often wondered about this myself. I enjoy blogging, but 1., fell like I'm not experienced enough to blog about how to write all the time, especially when there are others out there doing it so well and 2. feel like I'm in danger of repeating what someone else has already said. I do however enjoy the community that develops online as we pass around each others blog posts, retweeting and re-mentioning around the 'verse.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I can't wait to read Anna and the French Kiss. Why? Because so many people are tweeting/ blogging about how great it is, so case in point there.
Thanks for the post, Jody! I admit I did start my blog to build my platform for my writing and was discouraged for a while because the numbers were lower than I had hoped. However, I have gained a wonderful fan base, and most are not writers themselves, but simply ones who enjoy the subject matter of my blog. They comment via other social platforms and while the comment section on my blog may show "0", I'll have 20 or more in those other forums. Once I realized I enjoyed writing the posts for these fans, my attitude improved. It is what it is and I love what I do! I'll continue to offer the valuable service I'm providing for classical music lovers (inc. the schedules) and we'll see what happens down the road.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I have. But I know it's worth it and more importantly, I really enjoy the community of other writers!
ReplyDeleteHi Jody -
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you've done a great analysis on the subject.
I'm not published yet, but I know how bloggers have influenced my book-buying choices. If I'd not met you in the blogosphere, I don't know if I would have noticed your book.
I don't regret or question my decision to blog for one moment. I enjoy meeting other writers, and appreciate the friendships and support. Any positive effect on future sales is icing on the cake.
Susan :)
I can speak for number 4! Our book club is ordering Preacher's Bride from our local Christian store as I write. All our members are excited for our discussion in March. And, I must admit, Historical Romance is not my usual read either, but took a chance because of blogger reviews, and very happy I did!
ReplyDeleteI have been discouraged, but I have also bought books written by authors whose blogs I follow. The discouragement has certainly made me stop to think about exactly *why* I blog and tweet. As Julie J. said in her comment, it's not the magic bullet people want it to be.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking a chance, Lynn! And now I'll keep my fingers crossed that your book club enjoys it! :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for such an insightful post. At times, I wonder just who is reading my blog posts and shouldn't my time be better served by writing? The points you raise help me to see the bigger picture and I thank you.
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