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By Jody Hedlund, @JodyHedlund
I've never believed that blogging was a must-do for ALL fiction writers. In fact, I've always urged new aspiring writers to use extra caution before jumping into the blogging world (and social media in general). I've advocated young writers to focus most of their time and energy on writing and learning about writing.
Lately I've noticed several other big names in the writing industry advocating the same thing. Jane Friedman recently said this to new writers: "If you’re a totally new, unpublished writer who is focused on fiction, memoir, poetry, or any type of narrative-driven work, forget you ever heard the word platform. I think it’s causing more damage than good."
L.L. Barkat said something similar to experienced writers: "But if writers already have experience, and they are authors trying to promote themselves and their work, I tell them to steer clear [of blogging]. If they’ve already found themselves sucked into the blogging vortex, I suggest they might want to give it up and begin writing for larger platforms that don’t require reciprocity (an exhausting aspect to blogging and a big drain on the writer’s energy and time)."
I found it interesting that Jane encouraged new writers to "forget" platform building and that L.L. Barkat thinks experienced writers should "steer clear" of blogging.
Overall, I'm sensing many industry professionals are coming to the realization that for fiction writers (whether beginner or old timer) blogging is time-consuming and doesn't drive book sales. While blogging can offer benefits, those benefits just don't seem to be outweighing the costs (of time and energy).
In fact, L.L. Barkat goes as far as to say: "Is blogging a waste of time? . . . For the experienced writer, my answer is yes … in 2013."
As a published author who's been blogging since 2009, I thought I'd throw my opinions into the mix.
Has blogging been a waste of time for me?
Yes, when I was blogging five days a week, that was overkill. Even three days a week took more time than it was worth. Because not only do you have to write the posts and edit them, but you have to format them and find pictures. Then once the post goes live you want to be available to read comments and respond to questions. (And early in blogging, as Barkat mentioned above, the whole reciprocity aspect takes tons of time.)
Posting two days a week is manageable for me. I make it my priority to meet my daily word count goals first before working on blogging stuff. Blogging always takes a backseat to the real work of writing fiction.
Has blogging helped me in ANY way, even slightly?
It has NOT helped me sell significantly more books. Initially the large bulk of my sales came from the inroads made by my publisher's sales and marketing departments. Now that I have four books out, word of mouth from current fans is also helping to expand my readership.
Oh sure, occasionally I'll have a brand new blog reader tell me that they've purchased my book as a result of reading my blog. But it's only a scant handful compared with the bulk of the rest of my readers.
By and large, the most beneficial aspect of blogging has been the relationships I've been able to form with other writers. Although now that I don't have the time to give to the reciprocity aspect of blogging, I find that the relationships aren't as deep as I would ideally prefer.
Does blogging help me connect with fans?
At the beginning of 2013, I decided not to solely blog about writing, but instead to devote one of my two weekly posts toward readers. And while it's only been three months since I began the experiment, I've noticed that readers don't really stop by. Those who frequent my "reader" posts are still largely writers.
And yes, I make sure to let my readers know about my posts in a variety of places, particularly my Facebook page. But even with the encouragement to come over to my blog and chat, readers don't interact with the same openness they do over on Facebook.
So I would have to say that no, blogging hasn't helped me interact significantly more with my readers.
Should I throw in the towel on blogging and focus on other things?
For now, I'm not planning to give it up.
Elizabeth S. Craig also did a recent post on whether fiction writers should blog. And I liked her summary of it: "It's nice to have a home base on the web...a website, a blog, some place to hang your hat. Definitely a professional-sounding email address, at the very least."
I like having a place where I can "talk" about writing and reading and all of the things that happen in the industry. I appreciate being able to share the writing experience with others. And I also like having that home base where readers can come if they want to.
So if I ever feel like giving up on blogging, I'd probably cut back to once a week first. But for now I'm continuing with twice.
What do you think? Did you read any of the above articles on blogging that I cited? Do you think the importance of blogging has diminished over the past year or two? How are you feeling about blogging lately?
I have one scheduled post a week, on Thursdays. Sometimes I post more often, when I have something to say (as in yesterday's post pointing out flaws in the petition to stop e-book return fraud). I don't do it to "connect", per se, but I do have one reader who I know reads every post, because we often end up chatting in the comments.
ReplyDeleteI blog because I'm a chatterbox and I want somewhere to voice my opinions. Period. Anybody who wants to know my opinions can check out my blog—be they writers, readers, or someone who happens upon me online and wonders what a Carradee is.
Unless you're going to learn how to be a blogger and focus on building a following for that (rather than for your books), I don't see much point in blogging for the average writer. Jami Gold's done a good job with that, building a strong blog following though she doesn't yet have a book out.
But that kind of blogging takes a ton of work and time commitment. If you want to be a blogger, that's great, but if a blogger isn't what you want to be… Put that work and time into the writing you want to build a name at.
Just my opinion. ^_^
I started my blog in March 2010 as a way to help get out of a writer's block -- I figured writing something other than my novel would help me write my novel. It worked. Plus, I met many writers along the way. We've shared, commiserated, and inspired one another. You are right when you say writers, rather than readers, read writing blogs. I've known that from the beginning and rarely use my blog as a promotional tool. I still blog, mostly for the reasons I started the blog -- to figure things out, share things I've learned on the road to publication of my first novel. For me, it's helpful. But I agree that writers can get too focused on blogging. If you feel like it's pulling you away from your fiction writing, it probably is.
ReplyDeleteI am an unpublished writer. I do 3 posts a week. Only one is about random writing stuff. The other two are themed. A how to tighten your writing/mistakes I've made. And a mini interview w/other writers. One question, 7-8 writers answering. The last two are not much work. The first is. I couldn't handle doing more than one random writing post a week.
ReplyDeleteI started blogging 1 1/2 years ago because I read it was a good idea. Now I know that wasn't the right reason to start, but I'm glad I did. It took a while, but the biggest benefit to me is the community. I would've never met so many writers if not for blogging. People who've become friends and betas. Something I didn't have before blogging.
Yes, you can meet people just by visiting blogs, but bloghops have been a terrific way to establish connections because they can see what you're about and what you write. And that you are a serious writer too. It probably helps to build that trust between people, which is important when finding beta readers.
My point is, I don't see blogging for new writers as necessary if you're solely trying to build a platform. But if you're trying to build friendships and get involved in the community, it's a terrific way to do it. So as an aspiring author, blogging is definitely not a waste of time for me.
Jody, You're at the same point where I was a while back. I even did a survey among blog readers, and found that more than half of them used Facebook as their social media venue of choice. I've already cut my blogging down to twice a week--Tuesday, life in general; Friday, writing--and probably will continue if I have time. But I'm devoting more time to Twitter and Facebook.
ReplyDeleteLife is getting more complicated for writers by the day, and all I know to do is hang on for the ride.
Thanks for the post.
Glad to hear you aren't giving up on blogging yet. I am one of those few who became a fan of your writing BECAUSE of your blog. I was introduced to your blog by another writer as a great source for writing advice, which after checking it out found to be very true. Because of the wealth of information I found here I naturally wanted to check out your books as well.
ReplyDeleteCould it be (and I'm thinking out loud here) that we're creating a self-fulfiling prophesy? The value of blogging is dying because we (the bloggers, the writers) are saying blogging is of no value? The great "they" -- the know-it-alls -- say blogging doesn't have the same value?
ReplyDeleteCould it be that we haven't utilized blogging the way we should: if nothing else making sure our posts were concise, not wordy visual scrolls that frustrated readers?
Facebook is valuable, yes.
Twitter is fun.
But some things just can't be said via a FB post or a Tweet.
Like I said, just thinking out loud.
Hi Beth,
DeleteThanks for thinking out loud! I love your thoughts and brainstorming together on this issue.
I know for me, blogging has been a very good way to connect with others on a deeper level than FB and twitter. That is indeed true. But after evaluating how helpful (or not) it's been in building my readership, I can honestly say that it hasn't helped gain me significantly more readers. And let's face it, many publishers, publicists, marketing strategists, wanted to believe that there was a correlation between building a blogging platform and gaining new readers/increasing sales. But over the past several years of watching how blogging plays out with sales, that just hasn't happened.
Now are there other uses for blogging besides increasing sales? Absolutely! As I said, for me, it's a great place to hang my hat and call home. I can interact with people here more deeply. But I'm no longer counting on it to be a part of my platform (if a fiction author can even really build a platform aside from writing great books!).
Agree with everything you said, Jody. (No surprise there. I can't remember a time I said, "WHAT?! I can't believe Jody said that!)
DeleteI think some of my readers have come via my blog ... and yet, I've connected more with writers and with just regular ol' people (who may or may not be readers/writers) through my blog. For me, it is about connecting with others and about writing about something I am passionate about (quotes). Sometimes I write about my books (around launch times) -- but most of the time, it's about life in general, not books specific.
Read the articles.
ReplyDeleteI think it's valuable to regularly ask yourself why you blog. That's what I do. My answer to this question prompts me to keep at it. I respect if others want to fold. But I'm going to keep playing.
You wrote a comment on my daughter's blog. I wondered who this encouraging person was so I clicked on her name and somehow came to this blog. Once I started reading your blog and learning about unreleased first book, I was hooked. From a reader's view, I enjoy reading author blogs. However, I do know how much time a blog posts takes away from an already busy schedule. Basically I see both sides of this coin. I really think some kind of presence is a good thing or else I may not have found out about your awesomeness! ;)
ReplyDeleteVery good point, Deanna! I think some kind of blog presence for a published author is probably a good thing, and a way for readers to get to know us more personally (as Linda below mentioned). The blog does allow us to be more personal than FB!
DeleteHi Jody, I do enjoy your blog. I do agree that too much of a good thing is too much! Perhaps picking one day to post a blog would be good, not too much for you and not too much for your readers to keep up with. Not all do Facebook or Twitter and I think posting on a blog keeps it personal--just for you and about you. I read author's blog to keep up with what they are writing and personal notes about what they are doing. I know you are busy with all of your activities but I think it helps to keep your name out there. I am enjoying your books and would not want anything to take away from that! Somehow I'm sure there's a balance. Have a great week...Linda
ReplyDeleteThe problem for Indie Writers (I am traditionally published in the US, but an Indie here in the UK) is that we have to do all our own marketing. It is rare for us to get our books into bookstores beyond our own locality, so our only option to market & advertise our wares (our books) is by using social media - and that includes blogging. Do we sell books through it? I'm not sure - but I _do_ sell, so I assume the daily Facebook updates, the Tweeting - and the blogging are doing something!
ReplyDeleteI add a new article to my main blog http://ofhistoryandkings.blogspot.co.uk/ twice a week. Lately I've had Guest Posts, which at least save on the writing, although there is still the formatting & posting. I also keep a 'Devon Diary' which is a blog, but this is primarily for myself as a diary, I just thought that as I'm writing it, I might as well share it!
I have dropped my other blogs, a picture diary and a guest page, although I haven't deleted them.
Another thing I have recently started doing is ensuring that I leave a comment on other people's interesting blog posts. I get the advantage of reading some incredibly interesting articles - and hopefully a few new readers back on my blog.
So is it all worth it..... probably not, but I do enjoy it!
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DeleteHi Helen,
DeleteNot sure if you saw my post a while back that I did with Addison Moore, a self-published author who has gone on to make the NYT bestseller list. I asked her about the role of blogging in her success. You'll have to read that interview and let me know your thoughts! :-) Here's the link: http://jodyhedlund.blogspot.com/2012/10/is-blogging-important-for-novelists.html
I'm right with you. I also started blogging in 2009, a little before my first book came out. Back then I tried to post every other day. Now I'm down to "when I have something to say" which might be twice a week or once a month. I continue with it for the exact reasons you state: to have somewhere to hang my hat, share news when I have it and give readers/writers/friends a place where we can chat if they want to. I don't think it sells books and I'm totally fine with that now that I've settled into something that's fun rather than an obligation.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jody, for your insights today. Loved your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteI'll probably never totally quit blogging, but... I started in 2011 (originally five days a week). While I loved it, it consumed too much of my valuable writing time, and I went to a MWF format over the next year. Currently, I'm on a blog break during our daughter's spring break, but when I return next week, I'm going to a W/F format. I've been thinking about it for sometime, weighing the pros and cons, listening to a lot of discussion on the issue, and for now, I think this is what is best for me.
I think you hit the nail on the head. For newer writers especially, I think it's better to focus on on their fiction projects than blog nonstop. That being said, blogging does develop our "writing chops" in a creative way that other venues can't. And I love connecting with folks in the informal, "homey" atmosphere I encourage on my blog.
I think it helps to evaluate the "WHY" we're blogging in the first place. When it becomes all about "platform," it devalues the effectiveness and can be off-putting.
Thanks, Jody, for saying what I've been thinking since I started writing five years ago.
ReplyDeleteI like to blog when I have something to say, that is, when I want to think out loud or, more importantly, when I want to bare my soul.
Otherwise I don't thinks its worth the effort in terms of sales. And I'd much rather spend my wordtime on the next novel.
Timely post, Jody! I've noticed at least half of the blogs I used to follow regularly no longer update at all. I think blogging filled a neat niche a few years ago, but, as with many things, it got so overcrowded. Plus, no matter how hard you try, you just can't read fifty blogs a day!
ReplyDeleteI still really enjoy blogging. I'm less uptight about it. I write more random posts, and I like it. Maybe I should worry more about "writing that attention-grabbing headline" and "providing quality content," but for me, blogging has become almost stress-free. I took the pressure of building a platform off and just enjoy the process.
I blog 5 days a week right now. I don't write about anything specific, just sort of whatever's on my mind. I only have a handful of readers, mostly my friends on Facebook. I'm not a published author yet, though I hope to be in the future.
ReplyDeleteMy main reason for blogging daily is discipline. I find it a little easier to blog on a random topic every day than I do to write my stories, so it's also a way to clear the writing blocks I have with my stories when I get stuck. It works for me.
I'm not blogging to get an audience, and I'm not driven by blog hits. I also write what I want, not what I think people want to hear, because that's what I want to do right now. If I'm ever published, I don't know if I'll change how I blog, but right now, I'm settling in comfortably to the habit of writing every day.
I am a reader, not a writer. Reading your blog posts is always something to which I look forward. I just don't comment much. Since I'm not a writer nor a great talker, it's difficult for me to form the sentences into a smooth, enjoyable reading experience for others. Therefore, I don't comment much. I am certain there are plenty of others like me out there who read the posts all the time, but don't comment. Can you tell how much traffic your blog post has? There have been many times that I have picked up books to read by new authors because I have gotten to know them from their comments on other established writers' blogs. By the time their debut novel came out I wanted to read it because I felt like I knew the author herself/himself from their comments on blog posts like this. It's after I have learned more about them that I would feel more inclined to read their blog.
ReplyDeleteHi Sylvia,
DeleteThank you so much for sharing from a reader's perspective. And while we can see the stats of how many people are visiting our blogs, it's impossible to determine how many of them are readers versus other writers, simply from the stats. I find that readers will occasionally leave comments, but that writers do so more often. So perhaps more readers are swinging by than I know! I truly appreciate knowing that there are some readers (maybe more than I think!) that enjoy reading author blogs!
I'm actually pro-blogging - though not more than 1-2 times per week; I totally agree that it becomes a time sink, and if you think of it as "build the platform specifically to sell your books" it's a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteWriting a novel is like running a marathon. Nowadays trainers make athletes do all kinds of things to train for marathons: lifting weights, running sprints, stretches, cardio work, etc. It doesn't seem like there's a direct correlation, but there IS.
When I joined a group that had to write a 400 WOL love story 1-2 each month, to a prompt, it challenged me to become more concise, to trim the wordiness in my novels. When I follow a commenter back to another blog and read it, I may "get" some writing tip or pearl of wisdom that I've read or heard a hundred times before, but NOW it sinks in. Or a tip about changes in the publishing industry. I might see an amazing use of description or succinct action. Or I might see some really BAD writing - and recognize it's something I do it myself. Ouch!
It also forces the habit of writing XX amounts of words per week to meet that blog deadline, no matter what, which is excellent discipline for ALL writers.
And as you and others have mentioned, it builds a connection in the writing community, to people who may review your books or recommend them to friends.
Jody, I've had very similar thoughts and even posted similar articles. I am not convinced blogging is the platform deity it was originally. In fact, I'm not sure platforms, in general, are the alter we should be bowing to with too much time consideration. Like you, I've cut back greatly on the amount of time I spend writing, and quite honestly, visiting other blogs. Your point is well taken.
ReplyDeleteAn excellent post.
Personally, I think it's a major mistake for any writer to do anything but write in the early days. I am exceedingly thankful I'd already written four or five novels before I ever heard of blogging.
While I enjoy blogging and maintain two blogs (one for writing and one for art), blogging too early in my writing life would have overwhelmed me as a toddler writer. Or even as a young adult writer.
There is a time and a place for everything. Blogging is not the thing for a young (or new) writer who is still looking for their writing voice.
Or for the established writer who sells more books by writing more books than by writing about writing.
And nothing, dare I repeat it, NOTHING is the be all and end all for everybody.
ReplyDeleteI have learned a lot from reading your blog. The same writer's advice is undoubtedly available from other sources, but I do feel I have made a connection with another writer. You got me interested in your books from talking about them on here and as I share your posts on my own social network from time to time, it is possible that you are acquiring new readers indirectly there too.
I think an unpublished writer approaching the stage of submitting possibly does benefit from having a blog as somewhere to showcase her work. (More so for those who write short stories than for novelists.)
Published authors can probably get away with just a webpage for curious readers who want to know more about the author. However, my favourite authors tend to be those who reach out to their readers in a personal a way and as yet the blog is unsurpassed in making that one-on-one connection without opening up your private life to the world completely.
Loving all of your comments today, everyone!! This topic is definitely something we're all trying to evaluate these days. When we're all so busy, we want to make sure we're devoting time to the things that will truly help us most!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jody, and everyone who commented. I am unpublished, and I had heard about Jane's article last week-- now I'm wondering what to do! It seems this topic keeps coming up. I like the discipline and community of blogging- I don't like feeling stressed out because I didn't read five blogs today, or Tweet them. Or that I have to write a post instead of a scene. I only post twice a week- one short and one longer- perhaps I'll reconsider my schedule and follow your plan for putting emphasis on the fiction writing first. If I get a blog post written, great.
ReplyDeleteWe both started blogging around the same time, so I've seen the ebb and flow of the blogging debate as well. I think having an active web presence in general has helped me sell books, get my name out there, and make important connections. Blogging was a part of that. But I look at my blog now as a way to make me accessible and "human" to readers. It lowers the wall between us. Even if they're not commenting, I think it's an easy way to make a connection. But does it win me new readers? Rarely would be my guess. Maybe in the beginning when all the writers I had met through blogging rallied around me and bought my debut. But now I see it as more a connection with current readers (and also with fellow writers).
ReplyDeleteHaving said that though, I definitely am more forgiving with my blogging schedule now. Like you, I was at 5 days a week, then 3. Now I blog when I can. I shoot for 2x a week but if I'm swamped, I don't blog and I don't beat myself up about it. I see it less as an obligation and more as a bonus now. If I have time to do it, yay. If not, that's okay too.
I have to wholeheartedly agree with you. There are some who make blogging work for them, but those people are truly everywhere in the blogsphere. TBH I don't know how they have the time for it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have made some really amazing and important connections with other writers. All my critique partners came through blogging.
Do you think there is a platform that works better than blogging? Which, in your opinion would be best? Or are they all pretty much the same?
Facebook is the best place for authors to meet readers. At least it has been the best place for me. Readers come to my Page every day, leave comments, interact with my posts there, and even send me messages.
DeleteYes, I hate the way Facebook has set up their system over the past couple of years, so that your comments don't make it into ALL of your follower's newsfeeds. It doesn't seem fair that we've worked hard to gain our followings and then have to pay if we want our comments to reach OUR followers. But it is what it is. And we can't change it apparently. Even so, Facebook is still the place readers seek me out first.
I personally also enjoy Pinterest a lot. Even though it's just pictures, my following there continues to grow quite a bit, and I'm reaching new people.
However, all that to say, my BEST platform is my BOOKS and then my readers' word of mouth! :-)
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ReplyDeleteI had to take a hiatus from blogging since late last year, but I don't plan on quitting altogether anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm disheartened by the fact readers are more into Facebook(Me, not so much than blogs, I agree with Jody that you get more intimate connections with a blog. While I do have my first middle grade novel coming out (Won't be this year, far as I know at the moment), I started my blog in 2010 to find others who share some of my taste in books, and maybe some beta-readers who could get the ins and outs my genre better than those who don't get it's harder to write than it might look. Connecting was and still is more important than hyping up future books, though of course, I'll still mention them when appropriate.
I'll admit I personally didn't often buy books of writers I discovered on blogs, but some I have and became a long-term fan, so you still can attract new readers of your writing, even if it's not the "millions" we'd like to see.
A few dedicated new readers are better in the end than a ton of one-time flings, for lack of a better analogy. On the other hand, you could do what some writers have done and team up for the blogging-
Project Mayhem
Notes from the Slushpile
YA Bound
(Kelly Hashway, a writer friend of mine, is a member of YA Bound and has a separate author blog), and are all solid examples of writers across various demographics who team up to share the blogging efforts.
Teaching Authors
Are all solid examples of writers across various demographics who team up to share the blogging efforts.
Plus, by teaming up, they still have time to do their other writing without being enslaved to their blogs, and the blog still has a healthy activity as their readership expands.
Let's also not dismiss the library factor, both current and former librarians who blog also bring book recommendations that help even new or lesser known writers enter the limelight a bit.
DeleteEspecially in the Children's and YA book market, unbiased support from the library and school channels is a BIG DEAL.
Plus, unlike Facebook, I have far more control of my overall platform with a blog, and I LOVE that freedom, period.
While I'm on Facebook, I don't find it as easy to navigate as I get led to believe by some Facebook devotees I know find it really work for them.
I prefer Twitter as it's NOT as demanding as Facebook, but because of the 120 character limit, I don't use it as often as I'd like to. I love blogging because I'm not bound to a set limit of WORDS, never mind characters.
Most of my favorite writers don't even have a Facebook presence, never mind a blog, but that's a whole other topic so I won't go there...
I don't think blogging's a waste of time if you like to do it.
The only hard part for me is finding blog-safe pictures to use for posts. And moving my blog to Wordpress is not as simple as I was led to believe, but it's something I want to do so for better customization.
Sorry for the issues with the first reply, urls can be so vexing.
I'm coming up for my first anniversary of blogging and so far I still enjoy it. But when I don't or when it seems like a chore, I'll probably stop. I use mine a bit differently from you in that sometimes I'll write my opinion or response to something I've read or experienced, sometimes I'll post things I wrote in response to a prompt at my writers' group and sometimes I'll post a review or opinion of a book I've read.
ReplyDeleteSince I write under my own name and a pen name I have another website that is what is called, I believe, a static website. It is only updated occasionally, for example, when I release a new book. I don't use Facebook or Twitter so I don't feel overwhelmed by social media.
Hi Jody,
ReplyDeleteAs usual, great post! I have discovered that blogging has distracted me from the time that I used to spend writing. I find that if I don't constantly leave comments on other blogs, I receive very few comments in return. It requires alot of time, which takes me away from my writing and messes up my focus. However, I have seen several ladies who are networking and marketing superheroes actual obtain writing contracts because they had a tremendously large following...
Hi Jody,
ReplyDeleteI'm popping in to contribute my two cents to this post. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I've never read your books, asI am not a big fan of genre fiction. But I love your blog, and I find your writing extremely interesting, entertaining, useful, and just plain awesome! I think your two-post per week formula is just perfect. Even if it's not the best ROI for your time- please don't stop blogging!!!!
Thanks for the awesomeness,
Perhaps the reason a lot of readers don't comment but writers do is because ... writers write and readers read. It's all on a personal basis anyway, what each individual is comfy with. Just a thought.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'm glad that authors blog. As a reader, I enjoy getting to know the people behind the stories. Often, I discover 'new' authors from recommendations from authors of books I love. Sometimes these come from Facebook, but other times it's due to an author guesting on someone else's blog or something similar to that.
As an aspiring writer, I love blogs by published authors and editors because they have so much knowledge I can learn from. Plus, it's wonderful to meet so many people who will be my peers one day. I'm happy to make these connections via the internet since I can't afford to go to any conferences yet.
Thanks for this post, Jody. It was eye-opening. The comments have been wonderful, too, to see everyone's different view on the topic.
Hi Andrea! Thank you for swinging by my blog today and sharing your thoughts! I'm so glad that you enjoy author blogs. I always have too. I've learned a lot about the industry and writing over the years. It's been invaluable! But as you said, if readers stop by, they'll likely read the post but are less apt to comment.
DeleteI know I'm a couple days later, but I wanted to chime in.
ReplyDeleteI am an elementary librarian, the librarian at my church, and an avid reader. I can't keep up with all the authors I've enjoyed over the years. When writers have a blog, I follow it and get it sent to my email. It keeps me in the loop with that author.
I know of an author I LOVE that I ran across the other day and hadn't realized he had published two books since I had last thought about him.....sad but true. He's an amazing writer but not very active online.
So, while blogging may not get you new readers, but I think it keeps the current ones interested and keeps your name in their minds until your next book comes out.
Very good point, Laura! Our blogs can keep us more in the reader's radar or at the very least some kind of social media presence, even facebook can be a way of staying visible so that readers don't forget about us! Thanks for sharing! :-)
DeleteIt depends on what you're aiming for. I think what you write in here is really more interesting to other writers than it would be to fans, although I consider myself a writer so maybe I'm just saying that because that's my own interest talking.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'd rather spend the time making a really nice author website than keeping a blog updated as an aspiring author. Might even keep a blog on it, although what I had in mind was more a general purpose "articles" section that would appeal partly to writers, and partly to just people in general on the internet. I am even seriously thinking of selling books myself using Bitcoins, so as to eliminate the merchant fees that virtually everything else online charges. This would be in addition to traditional selling, so if no one buys them, it wouldn't really be a big deal.
Also, just so you know, I've passed on your blog to other writer friends of mine, telling them that I found it very informative. Haven't mentioned this until now, but it's quite possible some of them are reading your blog now.
Thanks for passing along the blog love, Evan! Appreciate that! :-)
DeleteI became a reader of your books specifically because of your blog, and as an aspiring author I continue to find inspiration in your posts. So I guess I qualify as a 'reader-writer' follower. While expectations have changed, I think there's still a lot of value in blogging. The relationships I've made online are precious to me and almost without exception the most enduring ones originated via blogs. I've met several lovely people on Facebook and Twitter but our exchanges there are inevitably brief and relatively superficial. How valuable blogging is probably depends on what we're hoping it will accomplish.
ReplyDeleteI am very happy to be here because this is a very good site that provides lots of information about the topics covered in depth. Im glad to see that people are actually writing about this issue in such a smart way, showing us all different sides to it. Please keep it up. I cant wait to read whats next.
ReplyDeleteträgerloser bh
Really i appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge.The topic here i found was really effective to the topic which i was researching for a long time
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ReplyDeleteSuperb Jody!! The article really talks to us new writers because you have added the most calculated and accurate facts about what is going on with the newer generation of writers.
ReplyDeleteI, as a writer and blogger myself, can completely understand what you are trying to tell us. The newer generation really needs some motivation and correct mentors. Writing is not easy and one has to put full effort in order to master the right technique.
The quote of Jane that you used, is very much related to every new blood that has started writing.
The new era of writing, Blogging, is a pretty disaster for the new writers as they are less known and try to achieve big. So, they try to write as much as they can to make people aware of themselves.
But blogging can only make people aware of your presence if and only if you rank in the top pages of the Search Engine. And that's not possible. Let me explain with an example, DIY blogs are mostly written to solve a problem yourself. Now, google scrapes the data that answers the users intention and shows it in the SERP's resulting no visitors on the blog itself.