
Venturing Out of the Writing Den

Today I'm venturing out of my private writing den. Like Christian in Pilgrim's Progress, I'm leaving behind a comfortable life. In today's publishing climate, the private writing den is a City of Destruction—destruction to a writer's career. A writer can't hide behind a computer screen in anonymity. A writer can't just write a good book and send it to agents. A writer has to get out of her cozy den and move out into the big, wide world.

I'm stepping out, slowly, tentatively. A difficult writing journey lies before me. The path to the City of Publication, like Christian's path to the Celestial City is wrought with dangers, obstacles, fears, and incredible hardship. But I must trust that the One who has called me will be faithful to guide me every step of the way.

I know I'm not the only Pilgrim on this writing path. Many, many others are struggling along it. I hope and pray this blog can be a place where Pilgrim writers can join together to encourage each other on this hard journey. And I hope those who've already gone before can share their wisdom too.

So here I go one step at a time.


  1. I've just discovered your blog. I too am creeping out of my hidy hole and working towards publication!

  2. Okay, Jody. I've now read/skimmed your whole journey. So many times your posts have been the ones I return to and remember.

    I'm in a waiting phase and needed some encouragement from some farther along. Couldn't have picked a better person than you.

    Thanks for all you do here for all of us!


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