
First or Third Person: Which Point of View Is Best?

By Jody Hedlund, @JodyHedlund

First person or third person–which point of view should writers use? Which one do publishers and/or readers prefer? Is there one beginning writers should stick to more than another?

I've talk about point of view (POV) in a previous post: Avoid Being Branded as an Amateur: Use These 7 POV Basics. In the article I talk about things like how many POV's to use, when to introduce POV characters, how to delineate between POV's, how often to switch POV's, and other mechanics.

But I haven't ever tackled the pros and cons of which POV to use: first or third person.

Recently Katia emailed me with a question about that very thing. She said: I'm having trouble deciding which one to use . . . I'm more inclined to use first person, but I don't know if I'd accidentally make the character too much like me. (Another me running around would be disaster.) I wouldn't be switching characters very often–most likely only once or twice, but I don't know if that's Absolutely Not Acceptable for first person. I would appreciate your opinion!

Those are all some great questions, Katia. So I thought I'd throw out my thoughts about POV and then open it up in the comments for you all to chime in with additional advice.

First let's start with a very simple grammar lesson. In the English language there are three persons of pronouns: first, second, and third. There are also cases (subjective, objective, and possessive) as well as number (singular or plural). Here's a brief breakdown (yes, I'm somewhat of a grammar geek!):

First person:

Subjective: I (singular), we (plural)
Objective: me (singular), us (plural)
Possessive: my/mine (singular), our/ours (plural)

Second person:

Subjective: you (singular), you (plural)
Objective: you (singular), you (plural)
Possessive: your (singular), your (plural)

Third person: (has genders and a neuter category unlike the above)

Subjective: he, she, it (singular), they (plural)
Objective: him, her, it (singular), them (plural)
Possessive: his, hers, its (singular), their (plural)

Traditionally, novelists have used the third person, generally referring to their characters as he or she or they. It's still the most common person used in books today. Usually a novelist gets inside two (maybe three) characters' heads. And while in that head, the writer sticks to that person's particular view sharing everything from the "he" or "she" they're inhabiting.

There are many reasons why third person is the most popular.

1. Third person allows for more flexibility in telling. We can't always show everything. Third person allows us to tell or explain when necessary (like a narrator).

2. Third person allows for transitions (sequels) between scenes. We can pull back just a bit and summarize what's happening between scenes (even if it's just a sentence or two).

3. Third person allows for more variety. Most first person stories have only one POV which can sometimes get monotonous. Usually the reader likes to know what's going on in the hero AND heroine's heads, sometimes even with the antagonist.

4. Third person can help us delineate between our characters better. I've found that even when authors switch POV within first person, the "I's" blend together and it becomes difficult to distinguish between characters.

5. Third person allows for more distance. Using "I" is a more intimate tone. And when writing in that more personal way, we run more risk of us enmeshing ourselves into our characters.

6. Third person can be less confusing for readers, especially when we change a POV. The switch in names and pronouns helps clue readers in on whose perspective the story is being told from.

Obviously, a talented author writing in first person can overcome the above obstacles. For example, one of my favorite historical authors, Siri Mitchell, writes most of her books in first person. She has multiple POV's in first person (usually the hero and heroine), and she's able to switch back and forth between them without confusion.

A book by Iris Anthony had seven POV's in first person (including a dog). At the beginning of each chapter, the author clarified the character with a subheading. But more than that, she was talented enough and her characters distinct enough that I was never left wondering which character's head I was in.

I've even seen blended POV. Katie Ganshert does this in both of her books Wildflowers from Winter and Wishing on Willows. Although the books are written from third person, Katie occasionally intersperses the first person, and it's like getting a glimpse of a diary page, a slightly more intimate look into the character's thoughts.

My summary: Overall, I think first person takes a bit more finesse and skill, and so beginning writers should consider writing their first book or two in third person until they've developed solid basic writing mechanics. I also think first person can be a harder sell for debut or younger authors since on the whole, publishers and readers still prefer third person.

So now that I've shared my thoughts on first and third person, what are your opinions? Which is your favorite and why?


  1. I generally prefer 3rd-person. I like getting into the heads of different characters and seeing action that the main protagonist might miss. I'm also not a big fan of unreliable narrators so I find those are less likely to crop up in 3rd-person.

    That said, a well-written 1st-person can be an awesome emotional rollercoaster, so if I find a writer I like who can pull that off, I jump right in.

    1. This was beautifully articulated. My personal preference is third person, unless it's a memoir. What's really fun is Lorrie Moore's "How to Become a Writer," told in second person.

    2. It definitely make things more clear! I prefer 3rd person for this reason.
      Darlene Taylor 9/24/2013


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  2. As a reader, it depends on what I'm reading and how it's handled. I do tend to prefer past tense with third person and present tense with first.

    As a writer, I tend to end up with novels in first person present tense, and short stories in third person past.

  3. I'm a first woman. I've found the characters come most alive to me when I write in 1st. I like to experiment though.

  4. I definitely prefer first person as a reader. I don't care if it's present or past tense, I love a more intimate relationship with characters. Third feels distant to me, but if it's written well, and limited/close (like your novels :D), I can get into it much easier.

    But as a writer, for the life of me, I can't distinguish what the big difference is between 1st person and 3rd person limited, and why 3rd is supposedly better than 1st. Even when it comes to getting into the heads of different characters, you can always have more than one character in the story with 1st person POV (which I've seen done well, with identifying chapter titles). So really, what makes 3rd *limited* so different?

    I once attended a writing class specifically about POV's, and the teacher said even the narrator in 3rd person limited has his/her own "voice." And that confused me even more! So I stick with 1st person in order to keep a handle on my sanity...

    1. I agree with your point of view.

    2. This is so old I doubt anyone will see the comment but your writing class instructor was spot on: in third limited you can employ the character's voice just as you would in first--really, you can just alter the pronouns and the context of some of the verbs and it can sound very close to the kind of voice you get easily in third person. The main benefit of third over first is the ability to narrate a bit more (not that you should go overboard with narration, mind you) and be descriptive in a different way. You can be more poetic in third, for instance, whereas in first you're limited by the character's perspective and voice--if they wouldn't wax poetic or use metaphors, etc., then you really shouldn't either.

    3. Correction: "...very close to the kind of voice you get easily in *first*..."

  5. I write short stories rather than novels, so it's easier to get away with first person without becoming too much like myself or boring the reader with one point of view. That said, third person seems more natural and I use whichever feels appropriate to the story.
    My writing mentor told me when you get properly into the character's head, readers automatically substitute 'I' for he/she as they live the story for themselves. So perhaps third person has the advantage of making it easier to identify with a character. Or maybe it's as much reader preference as author choice and we attract those readers who prefer to read what we prefer to use.

    1. Interesting. The only time I experiment with first person is when I'm writing a short. :D

  6. Third person, all the way. Especially because I have multiple narrators in my books.

  7. So interesting. I often experiment in the early stages of writing ... thinking about whether I want to write in the first or third person and how the story is best told. And I think, honestly, part of the decision is about the story. Some stories are most powerful when they're told in the first person. Other stories are too intense when they're told in the first person. And I think it's fair to say that sometimes the first person is a distraction. Experimenting with narrative voices is fun!

  8. I've always preferred third person, but since I've started writing a MG fantasy, I've begun reading a lot of published MG fantasy books. And it seems as if most of them are all in first person. From what I've heard, agents are telling MG and YA authors that they should use first person.

    I asked my thirteen year old daughter if she preferred 1st or 3rd, and she said 3rd, pointing out that if the reader doesn't care for the MC's thoughts or attitudes, it can be a bear for the reader to finish reading a story written in 1st. Never thought of it in those terms before.

  9. Interesting discussion. I write 1st person for the reason you list above at #5. It is more intimate, and I have always thought readers of young adult prefer that closeness to the main characters. I don't currently switch POVs between my hero and heroine, but I have considered it. For now, I write from my heroine's POV.

    I am curious that you say publishers and readers prefer 3rd person. Maybe it depends on the genre???

    1. Heather,
      Yes, perhaps it does depend more upon genre? I don't know. Perhaps YA is in general more apt to risk-taking than other genres. Or perhaps memoirs or literary fiction lend themselves more to 1st person too.

  10. Great post, Jody! I've used third person on my works thus far because I generally think that way when I'm writing. I consider my characters someone other than myself, so it comes naturally to call them he/she/it/etc.

    The thing I have difficulty with is writing with past tense verbs. I generally write my novels with present tense verbs, and it seems to work well. I haven't seen other novels written this way, but it's the way that comes most naturally to me.


  11. Hi Jody! I have to say I prefer third person past tense for many reasons! I enjoy getting into the head of several characters--it bring the story to life for me. Great post! Hugs!

  12. I'm definitely more comfortable right now using the third person, but I'm so inspired by authors who use first person and master it! Ginny Yttrup uses a variety of first-person with the chapter name being the name of the character whose POV she's in. Her books tackle some personal and serious issues so maybe that helps her readers connect. And Mindy Starns Clark's stand-alone mysteries are all first-person, which helps me feel it more personally. Good comments and questions!

  13. My characters dictate to me from the beginning whether they want to be in first or third person. I've never had to think about it, and have written both several times. My latest is in first, and I'm in the head of a male character all the way through. I thought it would be difficult at first, but I really become him when I'm writing. :)

  14. It's rare that I find a first person POV that I enjoy reading. It takes a special skill to be able to pull it off. Personally, I prefer reading and writing in third person. I may attempt a first person story someday just to see if I can do it, but not because it's a personal preference.

    I love the way Steven James uses it. He uses first person for his main character and third for everyone else's POV. It's really cool and he really makes it work. He's an astounding writer!

  15. Great discussion today, everyone! I've enjoyed reading your various thoughts! I'm amazed by the diversity of differing views on first and third person. Perhaps 1st person is coming of age! :-)

  16. Third person lover here. Reason? Confession: I read to get out of my own head, why would I want to read in that perspective. My brain just rebels.

  17. The first Siri Mitchell book I ever read had me totally confused. I spend the first several chapters trying to figure out how her fiance could be across the field with her husband standing in front of her. It was horrible. However, I did read a few other books by her that were much easier to follow (maybe because I knew what she did?). All of that to say, I really think third person is best.

  18. I don't think one is necessarily better than the other, it depends on the writer and the story.

    Jim Butcher does a great job at using first person with his Dresden Files series. The main character is such a critical element of the action that I don't think the stories he writes would be as good if he used third person.

    That said, I think first person is harder to do well. The novel I'm working on is in third person.

  19. My last two novels are written in first person. Earlier ones were in third, but for my later ones, it didn't feel right. I started one of them in first person, then part way through I second-guessed myself and changed to third. When I finished, I went back and rewrote it in first again. Talk about conflicted!

    I appreciate your explanation of what different POVs accomplish. I obviously need a better grasp on that. At the moment I'm working in first person again because it seems easier to get into my protagonist's head for a deeper POV.

  20. I'm glad you posted on this. I'm a rookie writer, but 1st person comes more naturally to me. I do see how it would be easy to inject yourself into the story. I've tried to write in 3rd person, but I struggle greatly with it. You're not the first writer I've known to suggest starting out with 3rd person. I'm conflicted!

    1. Ashley, if 1st person is flowing for you then I say to just go with it! I've had writer friends who later rewrote novels into a different POV when asked by a publisher. So I'd definitely say to go with what feels most natural to you. That's probably the POV that will come across as most natural and real. Maybe down the road you can try a 3rd person and see how it feels then!

  21. Readers and a lot of editors like third person because they find staying in one head through the whole book to be confining. Some publishers and lines are specific about what a writer can use for those particular imprints. I contend that not all stories are created equal, and not all can be told in the same manner.

    The author's goal should be to structure the telling in the best way for that particular story. A family epic that spans generations probably isn't best told in first person, unless your structure calls for using the first person for multiple characters. I write in first person, third, deep immersion third, and sometimes omniscient. I prefer first person because I love the voice, but I use what the storyline calls for.

    1. Thank you so much for adding your thoughts! I really like your advice to look at what is the best way to tell the story. Sometimes we don't always know until we learn more about our own voice. Then it's easier to distinguish our character's and POV becomes easier to translate.

  22. I'm an editor for a studio so I see all the POV variations out there. Third person has the advantage of not having to employ voyeurism as a way for the reader to know what's happening outside the POV of a 1st person narrative, however, that lack of intimacy is not a favorite of MY writing. Because my personal writing is contemporary drama, I don't have to worry about 1st person being monotonous, and I never have more than one 1st person POV. To me, that would be like reading a shared journal. Ironically, I was asked to write a series of essays on traveling back to home towns, and I found it a great vehicle for 2nd person. 2nd person gives that ethereal quality, similar to 1st person present tense, but I would never recommend either of those two to a full length novel. Time Traveler's Wife and House of Fog and Sand come to mind, but in both those, the writers used vehicles not standard to pull it off. TTW did the story in a journal format and HFS had two different narrators. I will say this, I can write a first person novel 3 times as fast as a third person. I find it harder to feel the angst of a character I'm not bleeding with.

  23. And I didn't want to be anonymous, but your site didn't let me use any profiles I have. I'm randall 'Jay' andrews. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jay! I'm sorry my commenting system didn't allow you the option of posting with your profile! I appreciate your perspective from an editor's point of view and a writer.

  24. I agree with Barb Riley's post. I want to be able to write in 3rd, but my brain struggles to process the concept. I don't understand who I, as the narrator, am supposed to be. Do I have a different voice to my main character? Am I my main character?

    When I write/read, "He hated the job...", where is the person who is saying this? WHO is the person saying this?

    It just seems to make far more sense to say, "I hated the job..." because it removes all the confusion as to who 'I' am.

  25. Very much the beginning writer. I started quite by accident about 18 months ago. It was a good friend who told me I was all over the place with first and third person never mind the tenses. Huge learning curve for me.

    Now I write in third person and I am enjoying every minute of it. As for publishing, maybe one day. I still have lots to learn.

  26. Replies
    1. I really enjoyed reading this amazing article. I learned a lot of new things from reading this. I just hope that you will keep this amazing work up in the future as well.

  27. Thank you for summarizing the different point of views, as a beginner writer, it is very useful information. Another thank you to those of you who posted your insights, I truly enjoyed reading everyone's POV and it helps me tremendously.
    I started writing my first novel last winter in 3rd person, and feverishly managed five chapters before the spring landscaping rush, which is what I do for a living. Towards the end of the summer, when time afforded, I created a slideshow using photographs of places and people depicted in the story. I edited and added music and turned it into an inspirational video to help me get back to the book in the fall. Each time I watch it, I get chills, and my story comes alive in my head. Now that I'm ready to start writing, I somehow feel an urgency to start the story again, in 1st person. I feel as though the story needs to be told more intimately, through the eyes and mind of the protagonist. But as a beginner, do I step back, and allow her character some room to breathe? Do I go with the gusto, and see where it goes, or do I keep it in 3rd?

    1. Leon, It sounds like your gut is telling you to go with 1st person. If you feel strongly about it, then I'd say to go for it! If it ends up not having the ease and intimacy that you'd thought, you can always rewrite it in 3rd. Nothing is set in stone. Thank goodness for rewriting! :-)

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