
Big News! Book Contract!


I've known for several weeks now, and I've been hinting about it on Twitter. But I wasn't allowed to officially share the news until I received the contract in the mail, signed it, and returned it to the publishing house. Boy, was the wait excruciating!

But now it's signed and completely official! And finally I can share this news with all of you who understand just how long and hard I've worked for this accomplishment.

Last time I updated you, my book proposal was on it's way to Publication Committee which is the group of important people who make the final decision on whether to take on a project or not. They were meeting on Thursday. And my agent had informed me the committee would make a decision that day.

All Thursday I tried not to think about my proposal and the fact that the editors might be using its pages as coasters. But no matter how hard I tried to think of raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, my eyes kept straying to the clock. I had decided if I didn't hear from anyone by the end of the business day, then they'd wadded up the many sheets of my proposal and tossed them in the trash with their paper coffee cups.

6:00 p.m. loomed nearer and I prepared myself for the worst. At 5:58 the phone rang. Before it could ring twice, I sprang for it with a breathless, "Hello."

"Hi, Jody." The perky voice on the other end belonged to none other than my agent, Rachelle Gardner.

My heart didn't know whether to stop beating or speed up, so it started doing crazy splutters. "Rachelle. Good news or bad?"

She laughed. "I literally got a one line email from the senior editor on his way out the door. And. . ." She paused.

My fingers squeezed the phone and left a permanent imprint.

"And. . ." A jubilant ring infused Rachelle's voice. "They're offering you a contract!"

"Yes!" I threw my clenched fists into the air in victory and praise!

Even though Rachelle didn't know any of the details of the contract at that point, I knew ALL I needed to know. I had a contract. I would finally get to publish a book. My lifelong dream had come true.

Thanks, Rachelle, for making dreams come true.

And thanks to all of you for sharing in this joyful experience with me!

More about what was in my contract in the next post. . .


  1. Woooooohooooooo! I knew it! I just knew it!!!! Jody, you are such a talented writer and I am just thrilled for you! I love that you are opening the doors for medieval writers everywhere!!!! I cannot wait to get to finish reading the rest of your story!

    Keep celebrating and enjoy your conference coming up, knowing that YOU ROCK!!!! I will certainly be looking forward to reviewing your book!!!!!

  2. EEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!!

    I knew it!!! Oh, this is SO awesome. Congratulations Jody. :-) Thank you so much for sharing your journey! I'm with Sherrinda, you rock! LOL

    Can't wait to see you at the conference!

  3. Super-de-dooper! So happy and so proud of you. Words can not express how delighted to see someone reach their dream. Praise God! :O)

  4. EEEEEE! DOING the happy dance for you girl! I'm SO proud of you and just, WOW! I hope you don't mind if the rest of us live vicariously through you!

  5. Congratulations! This is so exciting!!! :)

    Well done Jody! Well done Rachelle too hey.
    But congrats Jody. I don't know how you manage to settle down enough to sleep. That is so cool!!!!

  7. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I am so excited for you I have tears in my eyes! This is amazing...and what a great way to start a Monday! :) Congratulations!!!

  8. Congratulations, Jody. I sort of figured that was where you were heading. When I got a similar call from Rachelle, I was ready to take out a quarter-page ad in the newspaper to tell the world, but she told me I had to keep the news under wraps until the contract was executed. Those were the looooooongest days of my life. So I know exactly how you feel. Happy for you (and for our great agent).

  9. I am so INSANELY excited for you!!!! And not even the least bit jealous. This is SO wonderful.


  10. I am absolutely thrilled for you! Congratulations, Jody, this is huge. Enjoy it lady!

  11. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU! I'm even doin a happy dance and its Monday morning. That is a RARE thing. Congrats!!!

  12. YES!! *Jumping up and down with you, girl!*

    I am SO excited for you, Jody! You have worked hard, and done so much for so many other writers! Thank you for letting us celebrate with you. I'm SO happy for you!

    Congrats, my friend. I am praising God with you. (And good job, Rachelle!)

  13. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUNCHES OF HUGS AND CONFETTI!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU I'M TWIRLING AND SCREAMING WITH JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE BESTEST NEWS, JODY!!!! You and your family must have been on such a high these couple of weeks. What are the kids saying? Did throw confetti for you, are they walking around on tip-toes to let you write now?

    I can't wait to celebrate your awesome success at conference, Jody. Praying hard for the flu bug to miraculously disappear--I really want to see you!!! Hug you!!! And celebrate with you!!!

    Okay, enough caps and certainly enough exclamation points, though you deserve more of each!!!!!!!


    How exciting! Congrats!!!
    I can't way to hear more details about how everything went down, and what types of celebrations you've been partaking in.

  16. Wow! Jody, I've just been reading and following your blog for a short time, but already I can tell you're a writer serious about her craft. Congratulations! You're being published!! Yay!


  17. Congrats, Jody! What a huge relief that must be! Can't wait to hear more of the details. Hope you're celebrating your much-deserved success.;-)

  18. Can you hear me hooting and hollaring! I know, I need to keep it down a little, but NOT NOW! Excellent news. You've worked so hard! I am excited to walk with you on this journey, but am feeling a little like I'm having to sprint to catch up. :D
    I'm proud of you.
    ~ Wendy

  19. That is FANTASTIC! I barely know you and I'm excited for you! I can't wait to hear about what happens next!

  20. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Congrats Jody! I saw your headline and wanted to stop by and wish you the very best! What amazing news, you must be walking on clouds ... Enjoy!


    Jody, I'm so excited for you! You deserve this and what incredible timing, that it happened right before the conference!!!

    HOOOOORRRRAAAAYYY!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  23. YES!!!!!!!!
    *high-fiving you here* :)

    Super congrats, Jody! What wonderful news on a Monday morning to hear!

  24. YAYYYYYYYYYYY! I could feel you getting close. This is such great news!

  25. Many congratulations! I know you have worked hard to reach this point. Rachelle is my agent, and I'll NEVER forget the phone call in which she told me I had a contract.

    The process is slow, but so rewarding. Best wishes! I'm sure you will keep us posted.

  26. Congratulations, Jody! Can't wait to hear more!

  27. WHHHHHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!! I am jumping in the air here in FLorida for you!! Jody, I am so happy for you:))) And thank you most for sharing it with us like you did. I felt like I was right there answering that phone with you!!!!! I can't wait to hear more details as they come out!

  28. Jody, so exciting!!! While I was in San Antonio I received a copy of my friend Lisa Moser's fourth picture book. It is so beautiful and is such a treasure. The only thing better than holding your own new book is holding your friend's, truly, and I can't wait to have yours in hand! Blessings and thanks be to God, who has been with you all the way and is affirming your direction. Celebrate with your family, of course, your first treasures. Without them nearby, it wouldn't be nearly as sweet. !!!

  29. Fantastic news! Congratulations!!!

  30. Congratulations, Jody! I'm so excited for you!

  31. Oh, Jody! Yay! That just made my day, so I can't imagine how overwhelmingly excited you are. Congratulations!!! You definitely have to keep us updated. We want to know EVERYTHING!!!

  32. Congratulations!!!!!! This is so exciting!

  33. FANTASTIC NEWS JODY!!! Congratulations! And I have to say selfishly - PUHLEAAAASSSEEE blog about all of it! :) You totally deserve it....well done!

  34. I am so excited for you, Jody! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

  35. This is what happens when I make myself finish polishing my proposal before I can read any blogs.

    I'm late to the party.

    Jody, I'm SO incredibly happy for you and your fabulous news. Thanks for sharing your journey with us and offering hope that it can happen for us, too. If and when I find you in the crowd in Denver, I think I might just have to jump up and down with you in person.

  36. So exciting! Congratulations. Maybe you can write and share the entire adventure with us as you live it!

  37. Congratulations! You have a great agent!! I am sure you are still walking on air, but I'm looking forward to hearing more news about this!

  38. Aagghh!!!!!!!! I'm literally dedicating all my happy today for you!!!!!!! I am insane with joy. Jut to se one of my sister's in Christ live the dream is enough for me. I'm so thrilled and cannot wait to hear details and finally read your novel. You are a true inspiration to us all. I heart you!!!!!

  39. Jody; OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOODNESS. OH MY WORD!!!!!!! I am ecstactic for you, girl!!!! All your hard work and prayers paid off! Isn't God awesome? Glory to Jesus!!!! I am so happy I could take the day off work and go shopping to celebrate!
    Can you tell us who is publishing your book?
    This is so exciting, I can't stand it!
    Congratulations. This gives me hope and more hope.
    I am so proud of you.
    I better quit, I am so excited for this wonderful news!
    Yippeee Dipee and Happy Day!!

  40. Woohoo, woot and hooty hoot! And who's the lucky publisher? (I sound like a crazed owl, but congrats anyway.) :D

  41. Woo-hoo! I nearly screamed out loud, but then I remembered I'm at work, even if it is my lunch hour.


  42. Yeehaw! I am so happy for you. Congratulations!

  43. Way to go, Jody! So happy for you. Such great news! I've heard so many stories of things going south after you hook up with an agent, it was great hearing your news. Just goest to show you, great writing always wins! Can't wait to read it!

  44. Congrats! That's awesome. I'm so happy for you. :)

  45. Oh, my goodness, Jody!!! I am soooooo excited for you!!!!!!!!!! I knew good news would come your way. You are so talented. I can't wait to read your novels, and I'm so looking forward to reading about the rest of your publishing story! I'm doing the biggest happy dance in your honor right now!


  46. Even though I knew the ending to the story, I held my breath in anticipation! Hurray for you!

    I must be honest... I'm picturing myself playing the lead in that scene. Someday...

  47. Adding my own "EEEKKK!!" to the bunch. So glad for you!

  48. This is so great! CONGRATS! You deserve it. What a happy ending... Even though I know this isn't the end to the story! Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your journey.

  49. Yahoo!! Yeehaw!! Awesome! Congratulations!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!

    I'm soooooo happy for you!!!!
    You deserve this and I wish I could give you a big hug and jump around like a lunatic right now!


  50. Yahoo!!!!! Jumping up and down, doing the Snoopy Dance. So happy for you, Jody! What an awesome time you'll have at the conference.

    Susan :)))))

  51. Congratulations, Jody! So much work has paid off!!!

  52. Wonderful news, Jody! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. I hope your book will be wildly successful. :)



    This post made my day! I can imagine the news made your day...your week...your year!! I have this gigantic smile on my face! You have no idea how much I appreciate your sharing your journey with us! It offers so much encouragement and excitement! And those are both things I really need going into this conference. I can't wait to give you a hug in person and celebrate with you.

    I'm dying to know what publishing house you are publihing with!! Congrats a thousand times over!!

  54. That is so fantastic! So good to hear - kudos to you and I wish you MUCH SUCCESS!! Dreams DO come true!

  55. Jody, Congratulations! That is very, very exciting!

    Can't wait to hear more of the details! (And to, you know, BUY YOUR BOOK!)

  56. YAHOO!!!!!! So very excited for you, Jody!

  57. Mega congratulations, Jody! I've been waiting for this awesome news. What a thrill it will be to go to the conference as a contracted, soon-to-be published author. I'm thrilled for you. Looking forward to hearing more of the details--and to reading your book.

  58. Sorry to be so late here, but GO YOU!!!

    What terrific news to head to conference with!

  59. i'm so sorry to be getting in late on the celebration as well!! CONGRATS!! this is AWESOME news. :) the Lord has been so faithful to you....and you faithful to hone your craft. i'm so happy for you. YOU GO GIRL!!

  60. Incredible news. Always so pleased to hear when someone has worked so hard, and remained persistent, finds success. Can't wait for the book to come out. You go, girl!

  61. Congratulations Jody!! I've only known you a short time, but as fellow Michiganders, I'm so excited for you!! Looking forward to the finished product. What's the timeline like? Any ideas when your book will appear in print? Once again, congrats!! :)

  62. You deserve this. Fantastic. Too amazing for words. Bravo. It panned out! All the hard work. XO

  63. Exciting, wonderful, amazing, glorious, and many other positive terms come to mind. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and I know how HARD you have worked for this moment. You deserve it, and thanks for sharing news of the journey with us. I've learned a lot here. wb

  64. Woh! I just saw this - CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is amazing and fantastic news!!!! So glad to hear that everything has worked out, and now all I need to know is when I can find your book at the store;)

  65. Jody,

    I am SO sorry I'm late to this post, but congrats! That's wonderful news and I meant to catch you this weekend, but missed you.

    Have a great week!

  66. You have 76 comments on a post that is several months old. I went in to this blog knowing you were published but I still got tickled when I read this part! Congratulations AGAIN on your contract!

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