Blogging Changes

By JodyHedlund, @JodyHedlund

No doubt about it, the nature of blogging is changing. But that's not too surprising since social media is constantly evolving.

What changes have I noticed in blogging over the past nine months?

I've seen a decrease in the passion for blogging. Almost everyone that started a blog about the same time as me has either cut back or fallen away from blogging altogether. And from those who are blogging, I hear more nay saying and grumbling about blogging than I used to.

I've also noticed a decrease in activity surrounding blogging. Overall people interact less with posts via comments. I also see fewer tweets and facebook links. Surprisingly the stats for my own blog have remained fairly steady, but I haven't seen the exponential growth that came during the early days of blogging.

Overall, I've sensed fiction writers moving away from the urgent need to blog and placing more importance on channeling writing energy into more productive outlets like novellas, short stories, and additional novels.

While blogging for novelists can be a useful social media tool to a degree, many writers have realized that it can quickly become a time suck away from other more beneficial uses of our limited time.

For published authors, blogging can serve as a venue for connecting with readers. But I've noticed that most of my readers don't read my blog on a regular basis. (There are a few who do! You know who you are and I appreciate you SO much!) Generally, I garner the greatest reader interest in my posts when I hold a giveaway or make announcements. Most people just don't have the time or inclination to pop over and read author blogs on a regular basis.

I've tried to adjust to the changes in blogging over the past year, and I've come to the point in my blogging where I'm ready to make another slight adjustment. Over the fall and at least through December I'll be cutting back my posting to once a week. 

Of course I don't make any changes without a great deal of thought. And cutting back on blogging is always a hard decision for me to make since I've always liked blogging and enjoyed the interactions.

But I've decided to make the change to posting one time a week for a number of reasons (in addition to weighing all of the above):

1. I've added new writing projects. I've branched into some different writing projects over the past year (in addition to my contracted historical novels for Bethany House). I'm not at liberty to share what I've been working on yet, but I hope to have news to pass along in the near future!

2. I'll be teaching a grammar class this fall. My older children are in a high school co-op which requires parents to contribute in some way. I agreed to teach a grammar and composition class. While the class only meets once a week, I'll still have mounds of preparation along with weekly essays to grade.

3. I'm posting twice a month on another blog. This past spring I joined a group blog called Writes of Passage. It's a talented group of inspirational historical authors who came together to share more personally with readers. Since I post there twice a month (the second and fourth Saturdays), I feel the need to post here on Thursdays for readers has diminished.

All that to say, I've slowly added more to my plate over the past year. And we all know that we can't keep adding without taking something away. So for now, I'm taking away one blog post a week. While it doesn't seem like much, it will hopefully allow me to remain sane and still pursue my new ventures!

Thanks to everyone for reading my blog on such a regular basis! I appreciate you all! This blogging experience is so much richer because of you! I hope to see you here every Tuesday. (Or visit me at Writes of Passage the second and fourth Saturday of every month.)

How about you? Have you noticed changes in the blogging world lately? If you're a blogger, how are you feeling about your blogging experience lately? Has it been beneficial, a drag, or something in between?

For a chance to win a signed copy of my newest release, Rebellious Heart, head over to Sylvia Ney's blog this week and leave a comment there! 

Also don't forget to go back every week to the Fall Into Love Contest for a chance to win more prizes!


  1. I slowed down on my blogging almost to a halt when I had my wrist injury, so after having built it up to a good level it plummeted. I recently revamped it and am giving it some new life with a new purpose. I have gone to 3 days (MWF), with the middle day photo/verse oriented w/ comments off - inspiration only day. I already scheduled these to the end of the year, saving me a ton of time. Mon & Fri. each have a focus that really works for me leaving me of only 2 days of true blogging and many reader and writer oriented posts are all ready scheduled ahead - I want to connect with readers and encourage writers. I'm very happy about the changes.

    I have noticed my peers who have traveled this publishing road at a similar time losing steam, and also reconsidering their focus after having spent years building their platform. I still see many new blogs popping up though which I think is good, but I do hope they maintain them in balance with their writing. It was so hard for us to know how much of each to do so I fear we did it all and are now a little burned out.

    You have an amazing readership, and I find that many folks visit but don't always comment. I do also connect on facebook which is very successful for quick interaction with "friends" and reader friends.

    You are wise to choose a schedule that works for you and your readers will count on and look forward to your blogging day! :)

  2. I don't comment as much as I used to and I'm really trying hard to get over the need to post something almost every day. It's just a hobby for me so the only pressure I feel is what I put on myself.

  3. This is a timely topic for me. I used to love blogging and was a regular. My blog focused on writing (because what writer's blog didn't) and it's was popular. But then due to issues with renewing my domain through Google, I lost my blog and my 1000 + followers.

    So I decided to take this as a sign that I needed to blog not for just the writers, but for the readers. I have a book coming out in Jan with another to follow. My blog could no longer be about writing. I needed to focus on my genre. The majority of my old followers don't read my genre. Most of the people leaving comments were just looking for someone who would comment back on their blogs. Which I loved doing. But I no longer had the time to do that. Not when I was getting 30 + comments per post. Not when I was now dealing with deadlines.

    Now that I'm starting from scratch, my love of blogging has dropped. I can't just randomly look for new followers and waste people's time. I need to focus on potential readers of my genre. So now my blog is more like a website. Where readers can go to find out more about my books. As well as any other info related to NA stories. And I'll be spending less time blogging. I've gone from blogging three times a week to just once a week.

  4. I'm just returning to blogging after only sporadically posting over the past two years. I have noticed that there is a lot less traffic on my blog, but I thought it might be because I hadn't posted regular in so long I'd lost my readership. Your perspective on blogging puts my observations in a new light. While I don't comment often, I do enjoy the posts that you write. I can understand your need to cut back. Life is a constant high-wire balancing act - sometimes without a net. I'm looking forward to hearing what you've been up to when you are free to disclose that information.

  5. Jody, As I've said before, I don't have a love/hate relationship with social media. I have a tolerate/hate one. I have a small but apparently very loyal group that follows my blog, although many more read my Facebook posts (both personal and author page) and Tweets. I cut back to blogging twice a week: life in general on Tuesday, the writing life on Friday. I'll probably continue like that, but eventually I think blogs are going to be replaced by other social media outlets. However, like many authors, I'm afraid to quit mine altogether.
    Thanks for bringing this up.

  6. I look forward to your blogs every week, Jody. They are always informative and insightful for me, but I understand your need to cut back. Congratulations on your new endeavors! I look forward to hearing more when you are able to reveal more.

  7. I have noticed the somewhat decline in blogging. I know I'm guilty of straying from a dedicated posting (weekly, etc.) As for comments, I discovered through Google post stats that a post which might garner 8 comments, has 61 views. This shows up in varying degrees on different post. Readers usually read a post through various social media outlets, but don't link over to the actual post to comment. Today's world is fast paced and can be somewhat overwhelming when it comes to actually socializing. (Hugs)Indigo

  8. Catherine J - I have problems commenting on here sometimes. I don't know if it's because I use a mobile. Anyway I think you could almost link to your Writes of Passage posts on here and not bother blogging at all here when you're busy. Ihave noticed lots of friends blogging almost bi-monthly and their followers are still there because they've connected regularly on Facebook. I think different schedules for different seasons is a great idea.

  9. I'm sad to see you move down to only one post a week, Jody. But at the same time, I understand. But I've often thought that blogging is not something a person can do for years on end without constantly creating new content. I mean, how much can one person say about writing or homemaking or positive thinking, etc. before they start to repeat themselves. That said, I really appreciate this blog and usually check it for every post, and no, once a week doesn't seem like nearly enough. This makes me really glad Seekerville is still around and posts so often, because some book and writing nuts like me never get tired of the subject. :-/

  10. I have noticed huge changes in blogging since I first began. With the exception of a few bloggers who have hung in there along with me, so many have either left or, changes completely what their blog is about. I haven't posted much over the last year - mainly due to health issues - but I'm still hanging in and I'm trying to get back at it. But yes, things are not the same and I don't have the same enthusiasm I once did.

  11. I still like blogging, but I cut back a long time ago. That has kept it a fun thing to do rather than a chore. The chore comes from keeping up with all the blogs I follow.

    I've noticed a large drop in blogging lately but it's done that before and then comes back.

  12. I've also noticed a decline in both blogging and comments. It's really hard to keep up with writing 2-3 good blog posts a week, on top of work, family and writing, too. I went down to once a week on my blog. I used to do 4x a week when I first started a few years ago.

  13. Dearest Jody!

    I feel sad you are cutting back on your blogs, but I DO understand the reasons behind your decision. I always enjoy your posts immensely and I'm so pleased you'll still be a regular on WOP. I'd certainly miss you,if you weren't!
    Funny,how you posted this topic,at this particular time. A friend and I were speaking about this very thing, when we were on Skype last night.

    Take care and all the best in your new venture!:0)

  14. I have actually seen an increase in comments and followers on my blog - maybe because of the topic - personal experience with Alzheimers / dementia. But I agree that we have to keep the balance on our personal blogs with other writing projects and we have to know how to set boundaries.

  15. I can understand your need to cut down on blogging to once a week. I read quite a few blogs (including Writes of Passage). Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming but I enjoy reading about new books and getting to know authors through blogs. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I just don't have the time or anything to contribute. I sometimes wonder how you authors do so much, especially those of you who homeschool too.
    Thanks for making the effort to connect with your readers; however, I don't think you "owe" that to us. I'd still read your books even if you didn't have a blog or a Facebook page to "like."

  16. Your posts are always so thorough and thoughtful. It makes sense to me that if other things are pulling you away, you'd had to pull back here. I give you credit for your diligence over the past several years. I'll be looking every Tuesday. Wishing you the best.

  17. well written and the truth!Focusing on my readers and posting when I can.

  18. I've definitely noticed a drop in the number of people commenting on my blog. Most people who are interested in following me do it on Facebook or Twitter now, and comment there more than on the blog itself.

  19. Yes, I feel like over the past 5 1/2 years the advice has changed from "You have to have a blog!" to "You have to blog more!" (went to 3x a week)...and now it's definitely swinging the other way. Fiction authors who've been at it for a while have definitely burnt out on topics at this point. I'm down to 1x a week, but I'm currently doing a series of pinnable quotes from my upcoming Viking novel release--not even a real "post." I'm hoping people will come find ME when I have a book to offer. But in the meantime, I have built up a lovely following and I'm so pleased that many of them have followed me every step of the writing journey. I'll just be glad when they can finally hold one of my books in their hands (or on their e-readers). Honestly, I have much more interaction and participation on my FB Author Page.

    And all the best w/the co-op--you're so right--it's a LOT of work! I taught a writing class last year and it was stressful but SO FUN and rewarding, at the same time.

    Blessings, Jody!

  20. Hi Everyone!! So sorry I've been late in responding to your comments! This is my first week back at school, so things are a little crazy.

    But I just wanted to let you know how much I've appreciated all of your feedback regarding blogging. Again, I thank all of you who have been such regular readers and supporters of my blog! You're the best! :-)

  21. Perhaps part of the problem is lengthy blog posts. In the expanding digital era, people have short attention spans. Writing a post of 400-500 words takes less time, forces a writer to be succinct, and engages busy readers.

  22. I read your blog almost every week, but I hardly ever comment, so I'm a sort of invisible visitor! :) I'll miss your Thursday posts, but I'm happy to hear that you'll still be posting on Tuesdays. There are so many different seasons in life and I hope and pray that this one - writing, co-opping, homeschooling, blogging, etc. - is blessed in so many ways for you and your family too.

    It's interesting noting the changes in blogging. I'm a teeny-tiny blogger, but I see so many changes from when I started in 2007 and started again in 2009. The blogging world changes so much so fast.

    I sympathise with the writers who choose to channel their creativity into novellas, short stories, etc. I think we're really blessed to have those options available now. Thank you so much for keeping blogging yourself however! :)

  23. I read your posts regularly... but I read them in my email. So, I wonder how many people just don't show up as a stat for you because they haven't actually visited your page that day? (I will admit I don't comment much. I feel like I shouldn't if I haven't read the other comments, and I just don't have time to read them all!)

    1. Good point, Addy Rae! Many people who subscribe via email might not come to blogs to comment. But they're still keeping up with the blogger. Thanks for that reminder! :-)

  24. I love your blog posts and I hate to see you cut back, but I definitely understand. I've noticed that the blogs that I follow have steadily been declining in posts and comments. Authors get busy and something just has to go.
    Are short stories coming back *in* or something? They used to be popular. I love them. Call me crazy, but I'd rather read multiple short stories about a particular character or place than a novel.

    1. Thanks, Ashely! I appreciate the vote of confidence in my blog! That means so much. Yes, I think we are seeing a come back in short stories, especially e-shorts. Writers can sell them fairly cheaply or give them away for free as a way to draw readers into their other works. I've seen some authors use the e-short as a prologue teaser for an upcoming release, some use the e-short to tell minor character stories. The possibilities are limitless!

  25. I cut back long ago, but perversely, I've starting blogging again nearly every day! This is because I'm blogging a book for the audience who actually does come to my blog - indie authors (or authors of any stripe). I've known for some time that my blog isn't for my readers (except as a static site to find me). My readers discover me in many digital pathways, but that's not a primary one. However, I do have a platform there that can help other authors (by sharing what I've learned) and so I'm continuing to use it for that purpose, even accelerating it (temporarily).

  26. I'm actually blogging more -- every day, as a matter of fact.But I want to be a career writer and live off my writing, so I consider it training in my time management. I write the blog at times when I don't write fiction and do most of the week all at once. I also don't labor over revising the posts -- write it and it's done.

    However, a lot of the blogger writers I've seen use their fiction writing time to produce the blogs, spend hours on the revision, and then complain about how much time it takes. I just sent off one story, am working on another one, coming up with five fiction ideas a day, writing a novel, and writing the blog posts.

    The time suck I've killed off is Twitter. I hated it from the start, was bad at it, and it was a time suck. I only post to it maybe once or twice day, if the mood strikes.

  27. I always felt compelled to start a blog in order to enhance/complement my freelance editing business.

    Thankfully I never started it, since guilt is no reason to blog and it does take up a lot of time. My only hope is that blogs that are truly useful and interesting, and have passionate owners, keep thriving. Before, it seemed that everyone felt the need to have a blog--I'm all about quality over quantity.

    Hope your new blogging schedule works out for you. I predict it will!

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