Join Me in Celebrating the Release of Rebellious Heart!

By Jody Hedlund, @JodyHedlund

It's that time again! My 5th book, Rebellious Heart is releasing in September. And I'm already gearing up for a month-long celebration with a flurry of activities!

After the months of hard work researching, writing, rewriting, line-editing, and planning for the release, it's always so exciting when the big moment finally arrives!

But I have to admit, it's also still nerve-wracking (even with my 5th book!) as I wait for those first reactions to the book.

I'm grateful that so far, the book is mostly getting a positive reception. One early review on Anne's Book Nook said, "I have loved all of Jody Hedlund's books, but Rebellious Heart is my absolute favorite by far! Painting a vivid history of the American colonies before the War of Independence, this novel is brilliantly written."

I've been an author long enough to know that not everyone will like my new release. Some readers will like my other books better. Some won't like this book at all.

I'm learning to rest in the knowledge that once a book releases onto shelves, I have to release it from my heart as well. I try to tell myself, "I've worked as hard as possible to tell the best story I can. Now there's nothing more I can do except trust that my book will touch those who need it most."

To celebrate the release of Rebellious Heart, I invite you to join me in a number of different activities and giveaways!

1. Check out the "Fall Into Love Contest" that my publisher is sponsoring (and designed by Jones House Creative team). It's EPIC with LOTS of prizes! (And beautiful and creative!) You can't tell I love it, can you? *grin* You won't want to miss it! Head over to the Contest Page (right away!) and take a look around. And while you're there, make sure to register for the lovely prize package for Rebellious Heart.

2. Join in the "Rebellious Heart 20 Book Giveaway!" All during the next month, I'll be visiting 20 different blogs and giving away 20 SIGNED copies of Rebellious Heart. The giveaways started earlier in the week at Books & Beverages and Christian Historical Romance Review. Make sure you go to each blog and leave a comment to be entered into the giveaways! For a complete listing of giveaways, head over to my Media Page.

3. Visit my Rebellious Heart Pinterest Board. There you'll get to meet the characters, see some of the setting of the book, get a better idea what the story is about, and even discover some of the books I used during my research.

4. Stop by Goodreads for another chance to win a free copy of Rebellious Heart. My publisher will be holding a Goodreads giveaway from September 1-15. It's always easy to enter Goodreads giveaways! So head over on September 1st and enter.

5. Participate in the Fall Scavenger Hunt (from Oct. 18-20th). This is a fun event hosted by approximately 30 inspirational authors. Readers visit various author blogs, pick up a clue, and get entered to win a grand prize (TBA), along with the possibility of winning books from the authors participating in the Scavenger Hunt. Keep updated on the Scavenger Hunt by following me on Facebook.

As always, I LOVE getting pictures of my readers with my book! If you have my book, make sure to take a picture, post it on Facebook, and tag me (or send me the picture via an email). I have a My Fabulous Reader board on Pinterest where I love to post reader pictures!

Thanks for celebrating another book release with me! It wouldn't be nearly as fun without you!

Question for you: Did you realize that authors get nervous during the release of a book? Do you think an author should read the reviews on his or her book? Why or why not?


  1. Ha! Yes I realize authors get nervous! Congratulations on having another book release. I hope readers love your new story. And as for reading reviews, I don't think it's a big problem for authors to read them, as long as they're put in the right perspective.

    Congrats again. :-)

    1. Thank you, Naomi! I thought by now I'd be over getting nervous! But I guess it's just part of the process! :-)

  2. Of all the book covers you've had thus far, I like the art on this one the best. Makes me want to pick it up right away and read it! How's that for judging a book by its cover?:-)

    Congratulations, Jody. After all your hard work, it has got to be a great feeling to see the finished product!

    ~ Betsy

    1. Hi Betsy!

      It's surprising to hear you say you like this cover the best. The cover has actually made a "best cover" list over on Goodreads, which surprised me too, because this one hasn't been among my favorites. It's great to hear that many people don't feel the same as me! :-) Because as you said, many people do judge a book by it's cover!

      Thanks for the congrats! Hope that you're enjoying the last days of your summer!

  3. Jody! You have it nailed already my dear!
    Let me assure you that it is a very healthy sign to become nervous prior to the big event/performance etc. ALL highly acclaimed artists, (authors or others) suffer in this manner and it just shows that they are the absolute cream of their profession.:0)
    You have had four very successful books that I have enjoyed immensely and I'm POSITIVE this will be no exception. In fact I'm congratulating you in advance! "CHEERS!"

    I realise I'm not eligible for the giveaway but you may be sure I shall be first in line as the shipment hits Aus! I so enjoyed your previous books and I know this one will be fantastic!

    As for reading reviews,I'm not an author but if I was I'd say, "If it's what you want,go ahead". There's bound to be more POSITIVES than negatives.

    Again..well done!:0)

    1. Hi Rosie,

      Thank you so much, my dear! Your words of encouragement mean the world! I'm sorry that you get excluded from so many of the contests and giveaways. I feel really bad about it! I may need to think about trying to give away a few copies of an ebook for future books. That way shipping and handling won't come into play.

      It's interesting with reading reviews. An author could have a hundred stellar reviews, but then get one really negative one. It's amazing how one negative review can suddenly make an author feel about an inch high, even if the majority of people like the book! Funny how that works!

      Hope life is settling down a bit for your family, Rosie! Thank you for stopping by and adding a bit of sunshine to my blog! Hugs! :-)

  4. Congratulations, Jody! I hope this new book is every bit as successful as your last 4.

    I get nervous all the time about my releases. I've been watching my reviews slowly increase on Goodreads and Amazon, and I know I shouldn't read them, but often I get too curious. Thankfully no-one has said anything too bad yet!

    1. Hi Paul,

      Thank you for the congrats! It's good to know I'm not alone in getting nervous around release time! At least I'm keeping busy with other projects and have a mountain of things on my plate. That keeps me from focusing too much on the current release.

      I always go back and forth with the need to see reviews. Nowadays, it's even harder because readers are comparing my books to one another! So I'll see comments like, "I didn't like this one as much as her last release." Or "I liked this one the best." Thankfully there is usually a mix of both kinds of comments which reminds me that the reading experience is really subjective and that people have different tastes and expectations. That helps me not to take reviews too personally! :-)

    2. What I find puzzling is when one reviewer says I write very realistic characters, but another says they don't find the relationships believable. :-/

  5. You'll never stop being nervous. And yes, it's not unlike sending your children out into the world to make it on their own. Congrats on the release.

    1. Hi Wendy!

      That's a great analogy! We do have different concerns with each of our children and sending them out. And I'm sure that will always be true of our books! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Marguerite B. Don't read the reviews for a few days.

  7. Can't wait, Jody! So excited to read this one:)

  8. I never really thought about authors getting nervous, but I am sure they do. I would read the reviews after it has been released for a little bit.

  9. Congratulations on your new release Jody! Looking forward to reading and wish you all the best. Yes, I realize new authors get nervous. That is going to be me next year--eek! But I've no doubt of your continued success.

  10. I hadn't really thought about it but I am not surprised that authors would get nervous. I'm sure that reading review would provide some good points but then some people are so negative they would criticize a book before reading it. So stay levelheaded about any reviews good or bad.

  11. Hi Jody,
    I am anxiously awaiting Rebellious Heart in the mail any day. I pre-ordered from CBD and they notified it was mailed yesterday! I can only imagine that you would be nervous. However, I have loved ALL of your books, my two favorites so far being The Doctor's Lady and A Noble Groom. I could hardly put them down. For all the hardship your characters endure, you reward us with the most beautiful romance, which makes for a very satisfying ending. So all that said, try not to be too nervous. I'm sure it will be another top hit. (Georgianne Barnett)

  12. I can understand why authors get nervous about their releases. You put so much work into a book. I think they should only read positive reviews at first, then, maybe, after they know people like it, read the others.

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