New Book Release: October 2019

It’s here! HEREAFTER, the last book in my Lost Princesses series is now available!

Since this is the first time I’ve written books that are contingent upon one another for an overarching plot, I’ve been wondering how readers will like the ending I crafted. After all, it’s no easy feat to wind a plot through a novella and three books and bring the entire saga to a satisfying conclusion.

Honestly, as I sat down to write HEREAFTER, I didn’t know how I was going to wrap up the epic battle for the throne. I knew my heroines had to come out the winners, and I had some thoughts on how that might happen, but I didn’t really know how I was going to pull it all off. It was kinda scary!

As I started writing, thankfully the creative neurons started zinging. And I was able to pull all the loose threads together into a grand finale. When I finished, I put it aside with some trepidation thinking to myself: I like how it turned out, but will my readers? After all, I didn’t want to disappoint those who’d invested their time and emotional energy into the early part of the series. I hated the thought of them loving the series and getting excited about the final book, only to read it and feel let down.

When early readers started reading the book, I crossed my fingers and waited anxiously. I was delighted when positive reviews started rolling in. The first few said this:

“Jody Hedlund definitely saved the best for last in her Lost Princesses medieval series.”

“I loved it! My favorite book of the series!”

“A heartwarming and thrilling conclusion to a captivating series.”

Now that the final verdict is out and it’s positive, I’ve heaved a huge sigh of relief. And I’ve rolled up my sleeves and started work on the next series, which actually takes place in the same story world as the lost princesses, but about a century earlier. So for those of you familiar with the story, I’ll let you speculate who the antagonist will be!

If you like fairy tales and medieval times, then what are you waiting for? Give the Lost Princesses Series a try! All of the books are now available, so no waiting required!

To find out more information on HEREAFTER, go here:

To find out more information on all the books in the Lost Princesses series, go here: