Spring 2015 Scavenger Hunt: Stop #3 (Purple Team)

Welcome to the Spring 2015 Scavenger Hunt!

I'm doing something a little different on my blog today! I'm participating in a Fiction Scavenger Hunt! Please join in the fun!

You have arrived at Stop #3 in the hunt. I'm part of Team PURPLE

WHEN: The hunt begins 4/16 at noon, mountain time and ends at 4/19 at midnight, mountain time. 

WHERE: There are two loops—PURPLE and PINK. The purple loop begins at Lisa Bergren’s site and the pink loop begins at Robin Hatcher’s site for stop #1 for either stream.

HOW: Collect a clue and a favorite number (in RED) at each stop. Write them down as you go. At the final stop of the scavenger hunt, enter the clues into a Rafflecopter form.

WHAT: If you complete either the purple loop or pink loop, you can enter for a Kindle paperwhite and the 17 autographed books from that loop. If you complete both loops, you can enter for the Grand Prize of a Kindle Fire HDX and ALL 34 autographed books.

Make sure you check out the bottom of this post for the rest of the information you need for your clue and to continue to the next blog in the scavenger hunt!


My Special Scavenger Hunt Guest: Melanie Dickerson

Today as part of the scavenger hunt, I'm hosting the fabulous Melanie Dickerson another one of the authors participating in all the fun! (You'll visit her blog on the next stop in the scavenger hunt!)

Melanie Dickerson is the author of sweet and romantic fairy tale retellings set in Medieval Europe, the time of knights and castles and damsels who sometimes find themselves in distress. She currently lives with her husband, two daughters, and two guinea pigs in north Alabama, but you can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and her Website/Blog.

Join me in welcoming Melanie today!


An Excerpt From The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest

Summary of the Book:  

The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest is set in 1363 Medieval Germany, a time of knights and noblemen, kings and peasants.

A beautiful maiden who poaches to feed the poor. A handsome forester on a mission to catch her. Danger and love are about to unite in Thornbeck Forest.

The margrave owns the finest hunting grounds for miles around—and Odette Menkels spends her nights poaching his deer to feed the hungry orphans of Thornbeck. By day, Odette is a simple maiden who teaches children to read, but by night this young beauty has become the secret lifeline to the poorest of the poor.

For Jorgen Hartman, the margrave’s forester, tracking down a poacher is a duty he is all too willing to perform. Jorgen inherited his post from the man who raised him . . . a man who was murdered at the hands of a poacher.

When Jorgen and Odette meet at the Midsummer festival and share a connection during a dance, neither has any idea that they are already adversaries.

The one man she wants is bound by duty to capture her; the one woman he loves is his cunning target . . . What becomes of a forester who protects a notorious poacher? What becomes of a poacher when she is finally discovered?

Thornbeck Forest

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?! To whet your appetite even more, here's an excerpt from the book:

It was that silly superstition. Anna had insisted she place her flower circlet under her pillow, along with a bunch of calendula and St. John’s wort, so she would dream of her future husband. But the only man she had dreamed of was Jorgen Hartman, the forester, throwing her into the dungeon. And even though his blue-green eyes made her heart thump hard against her chest, the dream had helped confirm her realization that she could never marry him.

Then her mind roamed to more immediate recollections. How many children would go hungry today because Odette had not been able to go hunting the night before, when there were too many people roaming the forest celebrating Midsummer? She had slept but little, having awakened from her dream feeling cold, the pungent smell of calendula in her nostrils.

“Forgive me, Brother Philip, but I am too tired to study today.”

He frowned at her. “No doubt you engaged in too much frivolity last night.”

“If you are thinking I went to the town center and danced with men I had never met before, you would be correct.” Odette couldn’t resist saying things she knew would evoke a look of shock on the monk’s face.

His expression of horrified disappointment was a little more than she had been aiming for.

Melanie's book is available online at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Christianbook.com


GET YOUR CLUE HERE: Before you move on to Stop #4, which is Melanie Dickerson's site, be sure to write down these clues:

Secret Word: WHAT
Secret Number: 17 (The age of the heroine in my book) 

BEFORE YOU GO: Please Enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win my latest release An Uncertain Choice.  USA Today says: "This YA novel is as lovely as a fairy tale, with just the right amount of surprises — revealed at just the right times — to keep you on your toes. With plenty of sigh-worthy moments, you’ll be quickly hooked into the story. "

LEAVE A COMMENT: What is your favorite time period for a book? 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S. Every month I give away a new release here on my website. April's giveaway is a contemporary romance, Together With You by Victoria Bylin. Stop by my Events Page for a chance to enter!


  1. I love the medieval and Ancient world period for a setting of a novel, as well as WW1 and WW2, and if well-written anything period-time from 1500 till the 1900s fascinates me!

  2. My favorite time periods for books are definitely medieval and the 1800's. Anything with knights and cowboys basically. :P

  3. I enjoy the medieval type time period. I've always enjoyed swords, spears, knights, castles and the world of chivalry. (I like fantasy novels mostly because of the fact they have swords and medieval type weaponry.)

  4. I enjoy the 50s or early 60s.

  5. I'm really enjoying the World War II era books right now.

  6. I love anything historical, but my favorite will always be medieval.

  7. Victorian England and 1800's America

  8. I like books set during the Civil War and WW2, but I really enjoy all historical fiction.

  9. Oh my...I'm a huge fan of all things historical, so I don't even know. Medieval and the 1700s are definitely favorites. I also really enjoy the World War II era. And practically all the other "eras". :-D

    And just the fantasy and fairytale realms. Love those. :-)

  10. I enjoy Biblical fiction and medieval.

  11. I'm a great fan of medieval, but 1950's cop/detective/spy stories are fantastic, too. :D

  12. I have a hard time picking a time period. I think it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I like an "old west" historical, but then I love medieval, and then sometimes I like contemporary. I've read WWII novels that I've loved, and I even like an Amish book occasionally. I guess I just like anything that captures my interest. :-)

  13. So many!!! I'll say History. :)

  14. This looks so great! Vacation read, perhaps?

  15. hmmm... my favorite time periods for books are Medieval, Civil War, and WWII. I am eclectic lol

  16. A favorite time period for a novel would probably be either medieval or late 1800s. It seems like that's when all the most romantic and exciting events were happening!

  17. I don't have a specific time period I love. I just love good books!

    afriend @ netcommander dot com

  18. I can't pick! I love WWII era books and late 1800s early 1900s and the 1920's and 30's.

  19. My favorite time period is definitely historical, and probably midevil.
    Hannah C

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Favorite time period is Regency, but I like almost anything historical when I read. Thanks for the bonus giveaway!

  22. I prefer contemporary novels. But I am constantly looking for good reading material for my teenage daughters. This book looks like a winner. I will definitely be checking out your other books too! (and if I remember correctly, you live not far from where i was born and raised--Shepherd, Michigan :)

  23. i love regency, old west and medieval:)

  24. I love regency and contemporary fiction settings!

  25. I don't know that I have one overall favorite - I like reading about different eras. But I've probably read the most from WWII years.

  26. I love all time periods but am a complete sucker for a good regency era book!

  27. That is a hard question. I seem to like the civil war or just after that era. I do like Contemporary romance as well. However, if its a good story, it doesn't matter to me :)

  28. I love contemporary, but I also enjoy regency and other historical novels.

  29. I like Biblical era fiction. I'm also a sucker for a good fantasy, which tends not towards a time period but is older.

  30. I actually love early church history--100-200AD. There aren't many out there but I have loved what I have read!

  31. I actually love early church history--100-200AD. There aren't many out there but I have loved what I have read!

  32. Regency. But anything remotely close to that is good too.

  33. Either medieval or regency! I just really love anything set in the seventeenth, eighteenth, or ninteenth century :)

  34. Medieval, Ancient, or Regency--just too hard to choose!

  35. I am really loving the 1800's right now but enjoy anything that is good!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I love all historical fiction! Medieval Europe and early America (1700's and 1800's) are probably my favorite time periods. It's so hard to choose though! :)

  38. Probably prefer 1800s but enjoy contemporary as well as historical!

  39. I like all time periods as long as the story is well written, entertaining, believable, and relatable; but for the purpose of answering the question I would say anytime in the 1800's.

  40. I like the late 1800's or early 1900's time period. Dawn Robinson

  41. I like ancient, medieval, early America, and modern.

  42. I love history so pretty much any time period, but especially 1800s.

  43. Westerns set in early-mid 1900s. I love the fine line of old meets new!

  44. Anything not current--I love historical fiction--times past.

  45. I like contemporary and historical pretty much equally. I don't like futuristic. Lately, I've read quite a few books set during World War II. The time period is less important to me than a good story line and characters.

  46. My favorite time period is the Revolutionary War but a close second is medieval which is why I can't wait to read your latest book!

  47. Hmmm, tough question! I like contemporary settings, but I'm also a fan of the Gilded Age, Regency, and Medieval stories.

  48. I love anything in the 1800's!

  49. I don't have a specific time period that I absolutely love because I love them all! However if H ad to choose I've probably pick either Regency or the Victorian Era.

  50. Late 1800's, early 1900's.

  51. Such fun!!! So much information to take in on ALL these wonderful new books just waiting to be read!!!! I have read books set in pre-historic times to futuristic times and everything in between....I LOVE them all!!!!!

  52. I am a huge fan of historical fiction! My favorite is the Victorian Era. Most of the books I read from that are very swoon worthy.

  53. It's way too hard to pick just one time period! All historical fiction fascinates me but I especially enjoy books set in 1700's & 1800's Scotland.

  54. I love historical fiction. I really love old westerns and medieval settings in books. Another great time period was the regency era!

  55. I typically prefer contemporary, but I enjoy all time periods. Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt!

  56. I enjoy early American history the most.

  57. I enjoyed my visit! I'm fascinated by the late 1800's, early 1900's.

  58. I love the Regency (or any historical time era) time period in a book! I am having such fun in the scavenger hunt...thanks for the chance to win a copy of "An Uncertain Choice"

  59. I love books that take place in the Holocaust or the Old West!

  60. I love them all! If I had to choose a few, I would say contemporary, the 1950's, and colonial times.

  61. The Medieval period is fascinating but so is Victorian England. I don't generally like contemporary fiction.

  62. I love many genres. Especially Pioneer era, Historical Romance, and Contemparary Romance or suspense, Amish, Guess would say late 1800s and early 1900s. Thanks for the giveaway. Maxie

  63. I don't a have a preference, it all depends on my mood.

  64. I'm a huge fan of medieval time periods and Futuristic time periods!

  65. Anything historical! From medieval times to World War 2 and everything in between!

  66. My favorite books are from the 1800's to early 1900's!

  67. To pick only one era makes this question a difficult one to answer. It really does depend on my mood or mind set at the time I pick out a book to read. I can easily have 4 or5 books going at the same times and each them could very well be spanning a different period of history. I'm enjoy books from the 5th century and the 19th century at the moment.

    Thank You for the chance to win a copy of your book and being a part of my 1st scavenger hunt.

    In Kind Regards,

    1. Also I wanted to say hello from a fellow Michiganer! I'm currently calling Barryton (49305) my home base these days. It's always nice to support a local author such as your self. ;)


  68. American Old West

  69. Hard to pick a favorite : / but I love Biblical, early church books by Stephanie Landsem. I have all of your books and love Medival thru WWII and still crazy for 1850-early 1900 migration to the Midwest. Blessings.

  70. I look forward to reading your book.

  71. I prefer current times, but enjoy all historical levels.

  72. I think I like the 1800s the best.

  73. Thanks for being part of the hunt.

  74. Really enjoy reading your books! Thanks for joining the Scavenger Hunt. sm wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  75. I just finished reading An Uncertian Choice... Loved it!!!
    - Trisha Robertson

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. My favorite historical time period... That's a hard question. XD I like medieval stories, so maybe that, or Biblical fiction. Which I love.

  78. I'm really enjoying ww II era books right now but I like them all.

  79. My favorite periods are regency periods. I also enjoy historical books.

  80. One of many fav time periods is the westward expansion of America 1700/1800s.

  81. anything historical or and 1900's on up. Thanks for the give away

  82. My favorite period to read is stories set in medieval times with brave characters and chivalrous knights.

  83. My favorite time period is 1800's. However, I like to read books set in all time periods.

  84. just one time period? it's so hard. I like medieval because of Lisa T. Bergren's books, but I find the turn of the century (1800s-1900s) is extravagant as well up until after WWII. :)

  85. My favorite time periods are contemporary fiction or those set during WWII.

  86. I like books from any time period if it is well written.

  87. I love books from just about any time period. Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres!
    Uncertain Choice sounds amazing. I'll have to get my hands on it soon to read it! Thanks for hosting this stop!

  88. My favorite has to be 1900's, present day, or future!

  89. Medieval, regency or modern - depends on the book!

  90. I like many time periods. I tend toward contemporary, but enjoy a good historical novel as well. I am a history teacher though and my favorite period to teach is medieval.

  91. Favourite time period for a book? That's hard... The roaring 20s and great depression make great stories! I'd have to go with those!

  92. I enjoy writing contemporary but I love reading Regencies.

  93. I'm a Renaissance girl for the most part, but also like contemporary.

  94. 1830-1885
    I love using this blog tour to meet authors I'm unfamiliar with. I'm sure that was the point...but thank you.

  95. It's hard to pick but I like the knight time period!

  96. I have two favorite time periods, Medieval and historical pioneer time.

  97. I love early American history, specifically 1700-1800s!

  98. My favorite time period are Medieval and Regency

  99. Love regency period. Pride and prejudice ruined anything else from taking top spot.

  100. I the oldern days, Western praire times!!!

  101. I love the regency period. I also enjoy American history - cowboys and natives.

  102. I love a lot of different time periods. They include (but are not limited to) regency, medieval, Civil War, and WWII.

  103. Laura W AKA Loves 2 Read RomanceApril 17, 2015 7:42 PM

    I love regency England best

  104. Contemporary is probably my favorite... :-)

  105. I love the medieval/Renaissance time period, as well as America in the 1800s--and contemporary too! :)

  106. One of my favorite is Elizabethan.

  107. To be honest my favorite time period for reading is modern day, but i'm up to read any time period as long as the book is clean :)

  108. I really enjoy 1800s America or medieval Europe.

  109. 1800s
    ~Charis Z.

  110. I love stories set in the Middle Ages! So fun to read about. :)

  111. I don't really have a favorite time period in a book, but recently my son has actually gotten me into historical fiction. He is a huge fan. So to better sync with him, I am moving in the past. :)

  112. I love anything from Regency through the 1920s!

  113. I absolutely love reading about the early A.D. ;)

  114. i love books on the civil war, but like anything that is historical

  115. I love historical fiction so I can't really pick a single time period. I guess I'd put it this way, WWII and earlier is my favorite ;)

  116. My favorite era to read is the colonial and civil war period. I also enjoy reading stories of the prairie.

  117. Gabrielle KieleApril 18, 2015 5:20 AM

    I like Civil War/Wild West era and WWII best.

  118. Biblical and Historical fiction.

  119. Twentieth Century. Love the span of 1930 to 1960. It seems so many changes took place at this time! Jody, I was so pleased to see you joined the "hunt" this year. Thank you!

  120. I love all historical fiction so it's hard to choose a favorite time period. Basically anything before the twentieth century!! I do particularly like Biblical time period settings, Regency, and Victorian era.

  121. So hard to choose just one! Books set during the time of the American Revolution or WWII are very intriguing to me. Perhaps because with the drama of war, there are a lot of possible secondary story lines.

  122. Really starting to love the early 20th century! :)

  123. I like the 1800's, especially Civil War.

  124. I've always been more interested in characters than period, so my favorite periods are those that interact with the characters more so than just providing setting. And, medieval is always fun. :)

  125. My favorite time period is from the Civil War to the Present Day.
    Janet E.

  126. The time period I like is usually around the 1800s. But I've been reading ancient Bible stories lately and have really enjoyed learning more in depth about that time period. Really, any time in "history" is a period I like, as long as it is in story form and not a school history book ;)

  127. Medieval times or the Roman Era!! <3

  128. Well, I don't actually read historical novels. I mostly read sci-fi or fantasy, but my favorite two eras in general, I would probably say either Medieval or Victorian Era. :)

  129. Ooh, great question! I especially like reading about mid- to late-nineteenth century America, as well as anywhere in the early-twentieth century.
    Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt and sharing this excerpt with us!

  130. Hard to choose a specific time period- I love the 1700's, and contemporary but also love those in a military or war setting which can fall in numerous time periods (any thing from French Revolution, American Revolution, WWI and II, and the numerous civil wars from around the world).

  131. I'm partial to around the 1800s, but if it's a good historical novel, I'll read just about any time frame.

  132. Thanks so much for being a part of this scavenger hunt, Jody! And for running this giveaway. Your book looks really interesting!

    I have a special partiality to books set during WWII, but I'll read stuff set in just about any era.

  133. I love most any genre except futuristic and speculative!

    Thanks for being part of the scavenger hunt!

  134. I'm honestly not sure I have a favorite. I love contemporary, but also historical. Biblical era, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Civil War, Gilded Age, Roaring 20s, WWII. I think the only time I'm not overly fond of would be the Revolutionary War. So, I really don't have a favorite.

  135. I love the westerns when the cowboys were taming the old west & Civil War era books.

  136. I don't quite have a pacific time era that I absoloutly love. Mostly anything historical but I love modern day christian though!

  137. I usually prefer contemporary novels but am coming to appreciate novels based around the WWII era.

  138. My favorite period is the early 1900's. But I love any historical novel. Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt.

  139. I can't choose just ONE time period because I pretty much enjoy ANY time period! Loving this Spring's Scavenger Hunt!

  140. I enjoy the medieval time period. Knights and their ladies are the best!

  141. It's hard to pick one time period as my favorite. I learn so much about different one as I read that it's hard. If I had to pick, I would say WWII. There are so many stories of bravery, courage and selflessness. They were the greatest generation. I think we can learn a lot about honor, integrity and character from the men and women of that time.

    Thank you so much for being a part of the Hunt. I love these.

  142. Medieval, civil war, old south and old west time periods.

  143. Lately, I have enjoyed books that take place in the late 80's, early 90's (20th century.) They are fun reminders of my late teens, early 20's.

  144. The Bible and Current times but I like others too.

  145. I think I like the late 1800s/early 1900s the best but I'm not all that picky! Thanks for being a part of such a fun scavenger hunt! I host an all-things-book linky party every Thursday on my blog, Mommynificent.com, and we’d love to have you stop by any time. You can link up any of your own blog posts and maybe garner some new readers, and you can also hop around and meet some other authors and avid readers.

  146. WWII stories capture my attention.

  147. Thanks for being a part of this exciting Scavenger hunt!

    I love medieval Europe setting the most. But modern times are great, too - to reflect my everyday life´s happenings.

  148. Fantasy is my favorite genre, which doesn't usually have a specific time period, but medieval is often closest. I enjoy some futuristic stuff, too.

  149. My favorite time period would have to be medieval times.

  150. Everything :D! I really like medieval/renaissance settings the best though

  151. I enjoy so many from current time to Victorian to medieval...it just depends on my mood! :)

  152. My favorite time period is the early 1900's. Thank you so much for doing this!!

  153. I have read and enjoyed some medieval books, as well as early 1900s, but I usually prefer contemporary. :)

  154. I enjoy Medieval Scotland but I also enjoy contemporary too.

  155. I enjoy books written about the late 1800's.

  156. I love to read books written in the Civil War, WW2, the Victorian & Regency eras.

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