The In's and Out's of Creating a Launch Team for a Book Release

 By Jody Hedlund, @JodyHedlund

As I count down the days to the release to my first-ever YA book, An Uncertain Choice (published by Harper Collins), I've been really busy getting ready for the launch!

One of the major ways I prepare for every book's release is by forming a Launch Team (aka Influencers). In the publishing world, Influencer is often used to refer to a reader who signs up to help in the promotion of a book in exchange for a free copy of that book.


An Influencer doesn't just agree to write a review of the book. Although reviews are a big part of influencing, Influencers do SO much more than review. They share their enthusiasm about the book in countless ways (by recommending the book to their libraries, pinning the cover on Pinterest, taking pictures of themselves with the book, passing out bookmarks, etc., etc., etc.)

We all know how powerful word-of-mouth can be in marketing a book. Influencers are strategic in getting the “talk” going and can help the marketing efforts at the time of a book's release.

In gathering Influencers for past books, I've always had an open policy--as long as I have room on my list and as long as the Influencer agrees to promote the book (in a few specific ways that I ask), then I add them to my list.

For my new YA book, however, I knew I needed to narrow down my list a bit more to those who were either teens or had a circle of influence with teens. So this time, I developed an online application that potential Influencers could fill out by a specified deadline.

After going through the applications and narrowing down those who had the largest reach to teens, I emailed them a letter explaining my expectations for Influencers. If they were in agreement, then I signed them up.

Once they were signed up, I invited them to a special Facebook Group I created specifically for Influencers of An Uncertain Choice. In this "secret" group, I can communicate with everyone easily and effortlessly about promotional ideas, etc.

I have to say that this particular group has been very fun and enthusiastic! They've jumped right into the group and shared personal information, pictures, pins, reviews, and lots more. They have truly become an encouragement and blessing to me in ways I never imagined!

However, inevitably there are always those who join my group of Influencers who end up not liking my book. Obviously, readers can't predict whether they'll like a book when they sign up and agree to be an Influencer. So for those who end up not liking my book, I ask that they do two things:

1. Give their copy of the book to someone they think might enjoy it.

2. Share at least one of the other positive reviews or blog posts regarding the book.

They don't have to lie or say good things about a book they don't like. Usually they just opt not to say anything at all rather than hurt the author’s marketing efforts. I ask them to follow the old adage taught to them by their mother: "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all."

That saying is THE key difference between Influencers and Book Reviewers.

Many Book Reviewers also get a free copy of the book (either through Net Galley or the publisher's book review program). Unlike my Influencer list which I control, I have no sway in who gets a review copy of my book.

A Book Reviewer may or may not be a fan of the author. Most often their intention is to provide a helpful review for other readers. They aren't agreeing to promote the book or author, although indirectly that can happen, particularly if they really liked the book and get excited about it. They may write a stellar review and recommend the book to others.

But a Book Reviewer can also rip the book to shreds if they don't like it. Their job is to provide a helpful and honest review. They're often asked to share that review in a number of different places (online bookstores, a blog, Goodreads, etc.).

In other words, a Book Reviewer's goal is to help the reader make wise reading choices. An Influencer's goal is to help the author with promotion.

A BIG thank you to my current launch team for being such an awesome group!

What about YOU? As writers, have you ever formed a launch team? What are some things that have worked well? What hasn't worked so well?


  1. It has been an amazing honor to be on your influencer team for this book!

  2. Thanks for the specific suggestions, Jody! I have influencers but haven't yet tried the FB group route. Definitely worth checking into.

  3. This post is timely for me, Jody. I have just assembled my team and I'm making lists of things they can do to help. I asked them not to say yes unless they could commit to helping in at least two arenas. I probably should have started sooner, but I'm still learning. This will be my debut novel. I also told the to be careful about posting reviews on Amazon since they are a bit picky who reviews for the author. No close relatives or close friends. This will avoid reviews being pulled by Amazon. Just something I learned recently. Best wishes on your book!

  4. What a fantastic idea. I know you've written about Influencers before, but this seemed to bring it home from me.

  5. Although I have only just written my first (unpublished) novel, I have been a reviewer for Bethany House for quite a while. I've enjoyed many of the books that have been sent to review, but there were a couple that were not as stellar. Two of which were by authors that I really like. I always want to give an honest review, and try to find something positive. I do read the reviews of books I want to read, and find it very helpful. I am learning so much from your blog and love hearing about the Influencers. Thanks for sharing so much valuable information.

  6. Thank YOU for putting together such a fun group of influencers, Jody. It's been a blast to be a small part of helping you spread the word about your YA debut. Congrats!

  7. Yay! So glad you've got a great group of influencers talking up your newest book. And it's definitely working . . . I've been seeing posts, raves, reviews, pins, and all sorts of things about An Uncertain Choice recently! Congrats!!!

  8. Sorry, but how am I supposed to take you seriously on writing when you can't even use an apostrophe correctly! (In's and out's!!!!????)

  9. - Pure Awesomeness. Thank you.

  10. I am gonna hit on to ebooks and check out the books :)

  11. I would be honored to read one of your books. I have been waiting a while .

  12. This is great info, Jody! I have a launch team in place that re-ups with each new release, but your suggestions have given me better guidelines for team member expectations. And I Love how you handle a team member who isn't thrilled with the book. I had that happen for the first time with my 5th book, and your solution is fantastic! You're a natural teacher, lady! ♡

  13. This is great info, Jody! I have a launch team in place that re-ups with each new release, but your suggestions have given me better guidelines for team member expectations. And I Love how you handle a team member who isn't thrilled with the book. I had that happen for the first time with my 5th book, and your solution is fantastic! You're a natural teacher, lady! ♡

  14. This is great info, Jody! I have a launch team in place that re-ups with each new release, but your suggestions have given me better guidelines for team member expectations. And I Love how you handle a team member who isn't thrilled with the book. I had that happen for the first time with my 5th book, and your solution is fantastic! You're a natural teacher, lady! ♡
