Birthday Party!

Just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to those of you who've already sent me birthday wishes!! Apparently facebook has a way to announce birthdays, and so for the past couple of days I've been getting such sweet birthday messages!

My editors at Bethany House even sent me a birthday card and a book! Do they know what I love or what? I was beyond thrilled they took the time to make me feel so special.

Yes, today is my (numberless) birthday!

Not only is it my birthday, it's fellow writer and friend Janna Qualman's! We couldn't let the excitement pass without a celebration.

We would love to have you join us for a virtual birthday party! You're invited to head over to Janna's blog and join in the fun. Bring your favorite party food, silly games, and special entertainment. She has a beautiful cake waiting!

If you don't know Janna, please visit her blog and take a look around. She has such honest and inspiring posts about writing and life.

See you at the party!


  1. Nice party hat! ;)

    I know I keep saying this in all kinds of places, but Happy Birthday! And what a great gift Bethany House sent you!

  2. Happy birthday!!!!!!! Shoot me if you're a day over 20. ;) I hope you have a super duper day!!

  3. Raising my coffee cup in a Happy Birthday toast! Best wishes, much happiness and success to you both :)

  4. Yes. Facebook told me it was your birthday. Happy Birthday debut author!!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!! That's so exciting! I see a future week-long birthday party in yours, Janna's and my future! I hope you have an amazing day filled with great joy!

  6. I brought some flan left-over from my b-day. It's scrumptious!

    And here is a hug for you and for Janna--two classy ladies in my book!

    ~ Wendy

  7. Happy Birthday!!! I just saw on facebook the mention of Janna's, but not yours. Too cool!

  8. Happy Birthday Jody! Have a wonderful day!

  9. I really need to get on Facebook and Twitter more. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JODY!!!

  10. Happy Birthday, Jody! Mine was Saturday, and I loved FB that day!

  11. Happy Birthday, Jody! Praying that this year brings you many wonderful things (and I have a feeling that it definitely WILL!). Blessings to you ~ Beth

  12. Happy B-day! Going over to join the party now.

    Lynnette Labelle

  13. Happy birthday Jody and Janna! How fabulous a party!

    I pray that you find all the joy, love, peace that your heart and mind can hold. This is a blessed time in the lives of God's people and I am glad to witness these blessings!

    I'm on my way Janna!

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have a great day!

  15. Jody, I missed it on Facebook, so glad I'm not too late to the party here. Have a fantabulous day. I hope your little ones shower you with birthday hugs -- the best gift of all. And make sure to do something nice for yourself, too. You're worth it. Glad you were born!

  16. Happy Birthday! Yay, cake is calorie free on your day, so eat lots! :-)

  17. Oh gosh, that sneaky facebook! Happy numberless birthday! I've already had plenty of those ;) XOXOXO Have a great day! *off to join the party*

  18. Happy Birthday! Hope it is fun and relaxing...

  19. Mucho birthday wishes for bunches of blessings, good health and great success! Wish I was there to give you and Janna a birthday hug!

  20. Mucho birthday wishes for bunches of blessings, good health and great success! Wish I was there to give you and Janna a birthday hug!

  21. Happy birthday! I just found your blog today and love it. Thanks for being so open, honest and willing to share your publishing journey. Writing mercies & blessings to you!

  22. Many Happy Returns, Jody! I hope you have a wonderful day. :-)

  23. Happy bday! I'm sorry for not commenting in a while, but I am in awe of you (now that you're an agented author) :) Okay, that's not the real reason but it sounded good. Here's hoping your bday celebration is a fun one.

  24. Happy, happy birthday, Jody!! May you feel especially blessed as you reflect on the year God has given you and may there be excitement as you anticipate all that is ahead.

    Now I'm heading over to check out Janna's birthday celebration. I have a pan of brownies to contribute. :)

  25. Happy B-Day Jody! Hopping over to the party, bringing second cup of coffee! :)

  26. Bonne fĂȘte!

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  27. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day.

  28. Just visited Janna's blog. Two birthdays today, yay! Happy Birthday!

  29. Happy birthday! I'm on my way to Janna's blog to check out the party. :)

  30. It sounds like you are having a wonderful birthday. I'd like to add my best wishes as well. May the next year be a very sprcial one for you.

  31. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jody and Janna! I hope it is wonderful!

  32. Happy Birthday Jody & Janna! May your year be filled with good health, happiness, and many more dreams come true. ;-)

  33. It's my daughter's 19th birthday too. Happy Birthday!

  34. Happy Birthday, Jody! Hope your day has been extra special. What a neat idea to celebrate virtually with your on-line friend!!

  35. Hope you have or had a great day. I'll go check out the party.

  36. I'm here from Jenna's blog. Happy Birthday, and big congratulations on your publishing success.

  37. Belated birthday wishes! Mine was Halloween :)

  38. Pass me a piece of cake, please...

    Oh, and happy birthday!
